Chapter 21

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Sorry for any mistakes, grammatically and spelling. I really wanted to get this out there. Thanks for all the comments and votes! I really appreciate it and it REALLY motivates me to continue writing. Just a reminder this is one of the last chapters, probably one or two more and then the story will end. :(



"Siena retail therapy is suppose to be fun," Terra exclaimed.

I sigh, while dragging my feet across the hard linoleum floors. We'd been shopping for almost two hours and I was tired of walking past the same happy couples, and the same stupid stored. I know Terra thought it would be nice for me to get out, and stop moping over Beck. But the mall had to be one of the worst places; there were teen couples everywhere holding hands, smiling and looking into each others eyes, making out. It all made me think of how badly I had screwed up with Beck.

"Ugh, look at that. They need to get a room," I growled at the couple who stood smack outside of the apple store making out.

Terra sighed. "You never used to say anything about PDA when you were with Beck."

"Yeah, well I'm not with Beck anymore," I roared.

The more I said it outloud the more of a reality it became and I hated myself for jumping to conclusions and breaking up with him. Ever since almost kissing his brother, I decided I wanted Beck back.

"Si, why haven't you talk to him? It's clear as day that you miss him."

"He's always with her." I said.

Terra nodded, knowing I meant Beck was always with Dakota. Part of me blamed Dakota for this whole thing, if Beck would've stood up to her none of the fighting would've happened. Dakota always found a way to worm into my relationship with Beck and cause problems, only Beck didn't see it that way; and that's what made it so frustrating.

"You know he wasn't cheating on you, right?" Terra looked at me, her hazel eyes wide with pity.

"Terra, I know. But what was I suppose to do?"

"You put him in a hard place. How was he suppose to chose between his girlfriend and best friend?"

I wanted to throw my bags down and cry. He was suppose to chose me! But instead he chose to stand by his best friend and now we were over. Ugh! Why did relationships of all kinds have to be so complicated.

"I understand that, Terra. But Dakota was causing more harm than good. I mean if you were calling Beck horrible names, I wouldn't just stand there and let you, let alone side with you in an argument."

Terra nodded, her black hair bouncing ever so slightly. "I get your point."

Terra grabbed my arm, pulling me to the side to let others pass. Her hazel eyes searched my face. "I'm sorry Si, life is so unfair sometimes."

I sighed, leaning into to hug Terra. She truly was a great friend, I don't know what I would do without someone like her. Terra released me from the hug and smiled at me.

"So my feet hurt, let's sit down."

I followed her to the benches in the middle of the mall. Tired mom's and other groups of teens lounged on the benches. Terra ran to the last open bench plopping her shopping bags down. I sat down next to her, relieved to get off of my feet for awhile.

"Oh, dude I've been wanting to go to this store to find something for my dad."

The store directly in front of use was none other than Johnston and Murphy. My dad's birthday was coming up, and I decided getting him something nice might take away some of his anger about the having a secret boyfriend thing.

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