Follow Me

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Author's Note: Hey guys, this will be my first cross fanfiction. I'm wondering if I should call it that though, since Alice in Wonderland is already in Persona Q. Well I'll still call it that I suppose. This will also be my first Persona Q fanfiction. I got this idea from the Wattpad user, TraverseTown. When I read some of her Persona fanficiton I became inspired. My favorite character from Persona Q is Shinjiro so I decided to write a story revolving around him. I hope you guys enjoy! :-)

Shinjiro let out a deep sigh. Lately he was really feeling lonely. He wasn't sure why, but maybe it was because he always tried to distance himself from those he truly cared about. He stared out of his bedroom window, watching the sky. The clouds above looked like they were mocking him. They were full of life and possibilities. Shinjiro then spotted something out of place. It was a pink rabbit and it was hopping randomly in his front yard. For some reason it felt like this rabbit wanted to tell him something. He leaned in closer to his window and then clutched at his head. Come to Wonderland...Who had said that? Shinjiro was confused, but decided that he would go outside and investigate. Once he was outside, he spotted the rabbit right away. It stared at him with blood red eyes. Shinjiro shivered a little. The look it had given him was strange and ominous. Follow me...Shinjiro heard the voice again. This time it didn't hurt, but it was unsettling. He stared at the rabbit and it winked, before hopping away. "Hey! Come back here," he cried.

He raced after it, not even noticing it was driving him into the woods. Shinjiro skidded to a stop when the rabbit slowed down and glanced back at him. It cocked its head slightly, as if saying "Well come on." Shinjiro scratched the back of his head in confusion. The rabbit then hopped into a nearby pond. Shinjiro sputtered and gasped. What was that crazy animal up to now? He ran after it, hoping he could save it before it drowned. However, when he got to the pond, the rabbit was gone. There was not even a trace of evidence that it had jumped into the pond either. Shinjiro frowned, what was going on? Jump! Shinjiro heard the command in his head once more. It was louder this time, more defined and solid sounding. He wasn't sure if he should follow this mysterious voice's advice, but something had him wondering what was going on.

He gulped and jumped into the pond, feeling his pea coat quickly making him sink down to the bottom. Shinjiro didn't know how long he was underneath the water, but he saw a bright light shining from above. He was running out of breath and decided to swim up. Once he broke the surface, he gasped. He feverishly gulped in air, struggling to catch his breath. It was then that he realized he could stand in this water. He was a bit confused, how could a pond that deep suddenly become this shallow? When he stood up, he examined the area. He realized with some horror that he was not in the same place he had been when he had jumped. Instead he was in some strange place where everything was bigger than he was. A huge frog croaked, jumping by him and splashing him with more water. "Great..." he muttered feeling colder already. Shinjiro was about to question where the rabbit had run off to, when suddenly it appeared ahead of him. Shinjiro ran after it, hoping it would hold some answers for him. The rabbit kept hopping forward, until it stopped by a cottage. The rabbit took its pink paw and knocked on the door. It was such a comical scene that Shinjiro began to laugh. The door was slowly opened then to reveal a girl around his age. She looked to be about sixteen. She was also wearing a light pink dress with butterflies embroidered on the hem of the dress. She also had long brown hair pulled back into a ponytail. She glanced at the rabbit at her feet, smiled and opened the door wider for him to come in. Then she set her sights on Shinjiro. That was when he noticed her piercing blue eyes. They were mesmerizing to say the least.

"Who are you?" she questioned.

Shinjiro walked up to her and said, "Shinjiro Aragaki."

She nodded, "My name is Alice Heart." Her name caused Shinjiro's eyes to widen. He couldn't be in Wonderland could he? 

"What's wrong?" Alice asked confused. 

Shinjiro shook his head that idea was ridiculous. "Come in Shinjiro," she said smiling. 

He nodded and entered. The cottage was surprisingly large. It had looked smaller on the outside. However there was a big living room area, with a black and red couch sitting on either side of a table. There was also a large kitchen, complete with pots, pans and utensils. Shinjiro stared at it in awe. He liked cooking and this kitchen was bigger than any he had been used to. Shinjiro also noticed that there was a hallway to the right of the kitchen. It seemed to stretch on infinitely. The sound of Alice closing the door shook him out of his reverie. She smiled at him and Shinjiro found his heart beating a little faster than normal. Alice walked past him and sat down on the black couch. Shinjiro followed suit and sat down on the opposite couch. 

"So where did that rabbit go?" Shinjiro asked suddenly. 

Alice laughed, "Peter was just bringing you to me. He left through a vortex hole shortly after you had arrived." 

This was making no sense. "What the hell are you talking about?" he asked.

Alice sighed and said, "Wonderland is in danger because of me and I asked Peter to bring you here because I heard you are a persona user."

Shinjiro frowned, "This is starting to make even less sense."

"I'll explain. Only persona users, such as yourself, can defeat shadows. I brought shadows to Wonderland on accident because I went to your world. I didn't think of the consequences it would bring. Now my mother and father are being held hostage by a powerful shadow."

Alice grabbed Shinjiro's hands then, causing him to blush. "Please Shinjiro, I need your help. Will you get rid of the shadow holding my parents hostage?"

Shinjiro gulped. When he looked into those beautiful blue eyes of hers, how could he refuse?

He nodded and was rewarded with a tight hug. What had he just gotten himself into? 

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