The Duchess

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Author's  Note: Votes and comments are highly appreciated! 

Alice led the gang towards the Duchess's house. She knew they had to stop by and say hi or she would throw a fit. Alice turned to face her friends. "Guys before we can go to Bill's lair we have to say hi to the Duchess."

Minato cocked his head, "OK. Who is she?"

"She's a woman here in Wonderland who has a baby and the Cheshire cat happens to be her pet. Odd I know. Also, she is a fantastic cook."

Minato nodded, but Shinjiro frowned. "I fail to see why she's important to this quest."

Alice sighed, "Shinji trust me when I say I need to say hi to her."

Shinjiro looked into Alice's beautiful blue eyes and realized he should trust her. He needed to trust her. Shinjiro nodded, "Alright you win. Let's go meet the Duchess."

Alice grinned and ran up to hug Shinjiro. The hug lasted a good five seconds, but those were the best five seconds of Shinjiro's life. She pulled away from his body and said, "Thanks."

Shinjiro smiled at her. "No problem," he replied.

Junpei chuckled a little, causing Shinjiro to blush. Alice walked up ahead to a house just outside the woods. There were four leaf clovers making a path and leading up to the house. Shinjiro walked beside Minato and Minato elbowed him. "What's up boss?" he asked.

"So are you and Alice a thing yet?" he questioned.

Shinjiro's face lit up red, "Well we uh kissed and all, but I'm not entirely sure. It's complicated."

Minato smirked, "Alright Casanova."

Minato's statement just made Shinjiro turn even redder. He pulled his beanie down his face, feeling completely mortified.

Junpei walked beside him and said slyly, "So you have kissed then?"

"Yeah? What of it?" Shinjiro questioned a little angrily.

Junpei put his hands in front of him, "Nothing man. That's great. I know you like her."

Shinjiro glanced at Junpei and saw he had a genuine look of respect on his face. Shinjiro smiled. "Thanks Junpei," he said fist bumping his hand. Junpei returned the fist bump and laughed softly.

Akihiko was the only one behind them. Shinjiro didn't really mind though. They never got along anyway. They were more like childhood rivals than friends. The house became closer and Alice knocked on the door when they got to the porch.

"Who is it?" Shinjiro heard a female voice ask.

"Who else could it be Duchess? It's me Alice," she said smiling.

"Oh. In that case you can come in. The door's open."

Alice opened the door and sure enough, it was unlocked. The inside of the Duchess's house was a mess and that was an understatement. There were newspapers thrown everywhere, food cans lie on the ground and a pot was boiling over on the stove.

"Um, mam? Your pot is boiling over," Shinjiro said pointing to it.

The Duchess, holding a small infant gasped and ran over to the pot. Alice sighed, "While she is a good cook she is also forgetful."

"Don't think I didn't hear that Alice!" the Duchess said.

Alice laughed nervously. "What? You are a good cook," she said.

The Duchess turned down the heat and made her way to Alice. She rolled her eyes and said, "Thank you dear but we all know you said something else."

Alice blushed and looked away quickly.

"So what brings you and your friends?" she questioned.

"Oh we just wanted to say hi since we were in the area and maybe eat some of your delicious food," Alice admitted.

"Oh I see. So my food is all you wanted?" she teased.

"Oh Duchess you know that's not what I meant!" Alice said trying to save herself.

The Duchess let out a hearty laugh, "I know dear. I'm just teasing you."

Alice laughed softly. The Duchess turned to Shinjiro then. "What's your handsome friend's name Alice?"

Alice jumped then, as if startled out of a daydream. She said, "His name is Shinjiro." She pointed to the others behind her. "And he's Minato, Junpei and Akihiko."

The Duchess nodded, cradling her baby in her arms. "Why don't you and your friends join me for dinner?" she asked.

Alice grinned, "We'd be happy to."

The Duchess spread out a dinner fit for a king. Her food was not only delicious looking, but it was abundant in size. Shinjiro grinned, digging into the quail on his plate. As soon as he had taken a bite, his eyes widened. "This is amazing!" he exclaimed, before continuing to eat. Alice giggled and ate her food as well. Everyone seemed content with the food and as the evening went by, they grew jolly. By the time the food was all gone, Alice glanced outside and noticed the moon had risen. She stood up quickly, and everyone looked at her quizzically.

"Night has struck friends. We should hurry to Bill's lair," she said.

Shinjiro nodded, "You're right Alice. We don't want to drag this visit too long."

The Duchess smiled and said, "It was lovely having you my dears. If you must go now, I will not stop you." The gang stood up, their bellies full and walked slowly to the door. They were full of food and they felt a little lethargic. However, a little exercise would help them burn it off. They left the Duchess's house and continued heading north. 

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