Finding The Jabberwocky's Lair

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Author's Note: Hey guys! I hope you all are doing well. I am doing great! I bought a Tekcase for my Ds Lite and it is so cool! My Ds Lite itself is a little damaged, so the case helps it stay together better. I think its a really cool accessory. I highly recommend it for anyone who wants to protect their Ds Lite. Anyway on to the story!

"Where exactly is the Jabberwocky's lair?" Shinjiro asked, turning to face Alice.

She looked at him and said, "The Jabberwocky is said to reside in an inhospitable place. It lives in a volcano in the sky."

"Excuse me? Did I hear you right?" Junpei asked his mouth agape.

Alice nodded, "You did. This is Wonderland, remember? Madness is rampant here and the Jabberwocky lives in a volcano in the sky."

"Is the volcano dormant?" Junpei questioned.

Alice laughed, "You would think so. But no, in fact this volcano spews out black nightmarish liquid akin to lava. It never reaches Wonderland, but instead floats around the volcano almost like a cloud."

Akihiko blinked, "OK that is true madness."

Rei's eyes widened, "You're saying a nightmare volcano really exists?"

Alice nodded and Rei squealed, her eyes shining.

Zen sighed, "Rei's overly excited about anything strange."

Rei frowned and pouted, "Zen! Don't make fun of me!"

Zen shook his head, "I'm not. It's cute how you get excited."

Rei blushed bright red. "W-ha?" she cried out.

Minato snickered at their display. Shinjiro spoke up then, "OK so the Jabberwocky lives in a nightmare volcano. How do we exactly get there?"

Alice grinned fiendishly. "With the same amount of madness," she said laughing.

Shinjiro gave her a blank look. Alice whistled and the pink rabbit named Peter appeared through a portal. "Peter! Could you give me some magical beans?" she asked.

The rabbit nodded and pulled out three beans out of thin air. Alice caught them and thanked him. She jumped enthusiastically in the air and tossed them into a nearby pond. Within minutes, a giant beanstalk appeared. "Don't tell me, but are we going to climb that beanstalk?" Shinjiro asked.

"But of course," Alice said smiling.

Shinjiro shrugged, he might as well embrace the madness. Alice and the members of SEES then proceeded to climb the beanstalk to the Jabberwocky's lair. By the time they had finally gotten to the top of the beanstalk, the sky was dark. Shinjiro pulled himself up and saw a walkway made entirely of clouds. In the distance a black liquid was floating in a circle around a volcano. That must be the Jabberwocky's lair. Shinjiro was about to walk forward, when Alice put a hand out.

"We need to rest Shinji. It's late and I don't want everyone to be too tired to beat the shadows."

Shinjiro nodded and sat down on the cloudy expanse. Shinjiro let his head rest on the clouds. It felt like the softest pillow he had ever felt, times ten. Shinjiro allowed himself to relax and soon fell asleep.

When Shinjiro woke up, he smelled pancakes and bacon. He opened his eyes and to his surprise saw exactly what he had smelled. "How?" he asked.

"Peter brought the ingredients and I made the food," Alice said sheepishly.

"Again how? We're in the clouds..." He trailed off, when he saw the stack of firewood and a pan cooking over it. Shinjiro decided to not question it. Alice handed him a plate filled with pancakes and bacon. He ate the food and his eyes widened at the taste. "This is amazing," he said in awe.

Alice giggled, "Thanks. I'm not the best cook, but I can make some things really well."

"Tasting this it's hard to believe you're not good at cooking something," Shinjiro said genuinely.

Alice blushed, "Thank you."

The gang finished off the pancakes and bacon, before heading off to the Jabberwocky's lair. When the gang finally entered the area with the

nightmare volcano, Shinjiro gaped upon seeing a large reptilian creature standing in the middle. It had bat-like wings, scales that shone in the light and claws that curled in upon themselves. It's back was turned to the gang, and it gazed at a man and woman encased in a black barrier. "Are they your parents?" Shinjiro asked.

Alice nodded, her body shaking slightly. "Hey it's OK," he said turning to her and brushing a hand across her cheek. She smiled at him and said, "Thanks. I'm just scared. The Jabberwocky is a formidable opponent." Shinjiro nodded, "It is, but so are we." He grinned and Alice's body began to relax. She nodded then, a determined look on her face now. "We can do this," she said suddenly all fear gone from her voice. "Glad you think so," Shinjiro said smiling.

The gang faced the Jabberwocky, ready to fight for their lives and the lives of Wonderland. 

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