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Author's Note: This might seem like a weird chapter, since Shinjiro doesn't normally talk this much, but keep in mind this is a fanfiction. Which means I can exaggerate some traits and make up a couple for the sake of the story. I had fun writing this though and I hope you like reading it!

"What the?" Shinjiro exclaimed.

Sitting on the bed was Junpei.

"Hey Shinji!" he said like nothing was off.

"Dude how are you even here?"

The fellow SEES member merely grinned. "I think the question is why am I here"?

"Huh?" Shinjiro said.

Junpei's face became serious then, "Mitsuru and Akihiko sempai noticed you were missing for three days and got really worried."

"I can't have been missing for three days! I've only been here less than a day!" Shinjiro tried explaining.

Junpei shook his head, "No man you were gone for three days all right."

Shinjiro frowned, "But how?"

He shrugged, "Maybe it's because this is a different world?"

"Maybe," Shinjiro admitted.

"Anyway I was sent to investigate your disappearance and a pink rabbit lead me here," he said.

"Well I'll be damned. A pink rabbit guided me here too. You think it was the same one?"

Junpei nodded, "No doubt."

"So, is anyone else here?" Shinjiro questioned.

Junpei nodded, "Yeah but we all ended up in different places, on account of us coming to Wonderland on different days."

"Who's all here?" he asked.

"Let's see. Our leader, Minato, Akihiko and Rei and Zen decided to come along," he said counting them off his fingers.

Shinjiro nodded. He hated to admit it, but he was glad his friends had decided to come along.

Shinjiro scratched the back of his neck then and said, "Junpei I was summoned here by that pink rabbit because Wonderland is in danger. Alice needs my help to defeat some shadow that has taken her parents hostage."

Junpei's eyes widened, "Really? I had no clue. I guess we can't take you back home."

Then Junpei got a sly look on his face.

"What's wrong with you man?" Shinjiro questioned.

"Now tell me, is Alice hot?"

Shinjiro's face reddened immediately. "What the hell!" he exclaimed.

Junpei laughed at the look on his face. "Man, that look! I take it she is smokin'!"

Shinjiro was flabbergasted. "Tch. Maybe she is pretty hot," he admitted.

"Aha! I knew it! Do you like her?"

Shinjiro averted his eyes from Junpei's and said, "I don't know yet. I barely met her..."

Junpei smirked at his response.

"What now?" he asked.

"Haven't you ever heard of love at first sight?"

Shinjiro stuttered, "T-hat's not a thing o-k?"

"Sure it isn't. I'm sure that's why you're tripping over your words," Junpei said grinning from ear to ear.

Shinjiro frowned. "Shut up," he said unable to think of anything clever.

Junpei just grinned and made himself comfortable on the bed, by laying down on it.

"Geeze, make yourself at home why don't you?" he muttered louder than he intended.

"Thanks man I will," Junpei said not catching his sarcasm or not caring to acknowledge it.

"Dude, you know I was being sarcastic right?" he clarified.

Junpei glanced at him, "Gee I couldn't tell from that tone and look."

Shinjiro gave him an annoyed look.

Junpei threw his hands up in the air, "Sorry. If you want me to leave I can."

Shinjiro sighed, "No you can stay." He didn't want to admit it, but Junpei had made him feel less lonely and happier than he had felt in a long time.

Junpei grinned, "Ok but just know you could have kicked me out."

Shinjiro shrugged, "I know. Maybe I like your company a little."

Junpei gave him an astonished look. "Wow! You've never expressed such emotion before!"

Shinjiro tsked, "I'm not a robot you know. I do have emotions..."

Junpei smiled, "Good to know."

He just sighed and sat down on the bed. Junpei looked at Shinjiro and frowned. "Is something the matter? You seem a bit different than usual," he said.

"Not really. I've just been feeling lonelier than usual," he said.

Junpei shrugged, "Well that's your own fault. You could have come to the movies with me and Minato last week."

"I know. It's just I'm used to being a loner. Now that I actually have friends it's a bit different. This might sound weird, but since joining SEES I feel like I've found a new home."

Junpei grinned, "That's not weird at all. In fact, I felt the same way after joining. And Shinji, if you ever feel lonely don't hesitate to come talk to me or one of the other SEES members."

Shinjiro nodded, this whole conversation seemed surreal, but in a good way. "I think I should go to bed now. Tomorrow I'll be learning some new magic to defeat the shadow here in Wonderland."

Junpei got the hint. He got off the bed and nodded. "Alright. Um can I sleep on the floor though? I don't want to intrude and I don't know this place."

Shinjiro smiled, "No problem." He got up, turned off the lights and climbed into the bed. He heard Junpei shifting on the floor, trying to find a comfortable place to rest. Shinjiro was glad for the second time Junpei was here. Maybe he could help him defeat the shadow. He was by no means weak, but it never hurt to have someone help him out when things got rough. As Shinjiro closed his eyes, his mind drifted off into the land of dreams. 

End Note: Comment Junpei if you've read this far and tell me who your favorite character in Persona Q is! :-)

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