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 Author's Note: Here it is! The fifth part! Sorry for the wait guys, it was tough writing this, on account of writer's block! I hope you guys enjoy!

Shinjiro yawned and opened his eyes to see Junpei standing over him and frowning. "You're finally awake," he said.

Shinjiro stretched his arms and replied, "Yeah I guess I was more tired than I thought."

"You slept for over seven hours," he said.

Shinjiro gaped at him, "W-hat? I thought I slept for two hours tops!"

Junpei shook his head, "No. You really slept that long. Even Alice came in to check on you twice."

"Really?" he said a bit too eagerly.

Junpei grinned like a fool at his response. Shinjiro flushed and looked away quickly.

"You have a good seventeen hours to do whatever you want. At least according to the Hatter anyway. So what are you going to do man?" Junpei questioned.

Shinjiro shrugged, "Maybe I'll go see what Alice is up to."

"Oh?" Junpei said snickering.

Shinjiro glared at him, before walking past him and heading out the door. On the way out, he bumped into someone. "Ow!" A feminine and familiar sounding voice said.

Shinjiro muttered an apology and looked at whom he had run into. It was Alice. His heart rate accelerated and he gulped. "Oh hi Shinjiro!" Alice said smiling at him.

Shinjiro nodded and Alice quickly grabbed one of his arms. Shinjiro blushed and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I need to tell you something. Come with me," she replied tugging on his arm. Shinjiro nodded and followed behind her. Shinjiro watched Alice's figure sway back and forth as she walked and he felt mesmerized by her. The two of them exited the Hatter's house and entered a lush garden. It was filled with daisies, roses, pansies, lilies and other flowers that he couldn't name right off the bat. Alice stopped as soon as they got closer into the heart of the garden. Shinjiro arched an eyebrow and Alice let out a deep sigh. "OK so here's the deal, it looks like there have been more shadows appearing throughout Wonderland."

Shinjiro frowned, "How is that possible? I thought the only shadow that resided here was the one holding your parents hostage."

Alice nodded, "I thought so too! But, the thing is the shadows have somehow found a portal to this world. They're leaking in and infesting Wonderland. I think we need to change our game plan."

Shinjiro nodded, "Alright what do you have in mind?"

"I think there's a portal somewhere in Wonderland that is allowing the shadows to come here. If we close that portal, then the shadows should stop coming in and we can deal with the remaining ones."

"Soo, how do we find out where this portal is?" Shinjiro asked.

"I think the caterpillar's library can help us out in this situation. There is a floating magic imbued book that writes out the events that will take place here in Wonderland. I'm sure it'll have the location of the portal in it."

Shinjiro smirked, "Sounds good. When do you want to go?"

"As soon as possible, if we don't then Wonderland might fall into ruins," Alice said her gaze darkening.

Shinjiro agreed, the sooner they left the better. "Alice could my friend Junpei come along? He's a persona user as well," he inquired.

Alice nodded, "Of course. The more help the better."

Shinjiro nodded and the two of them walked back inside to tell Junpei the news. Shinjiro's training would have to be put on halt, but it was fine considering he would be saving Wonderland. 

Shinjiro in WonderlandWhere stories live. Discover now