The Red Queen's Arsenal

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Author's Note: Hey guys! I know it's been a while since I updated, but fear not, here is another part! :) 

The Red Queen's territory appeared before the gang in all of its stunning glory. There were card soldiers painting white roses red. Their movements were frantic, as if they were in a hurry. Other than the roses, Shinjiro saw plants growing. One had toast growing on it, the bread was a perfect light brown color and it looked delectable. Another had sugar cubes growing on it. The sugar was a white color as looking as pure as fallen snow. Shinjiro gazed upon everything in awe, this was just the Red Queen's garden and he was highly impressed.

"Let's go inside," Alice said coming up to Shinjiro.

He nodded and they walked up to an impressive looking heart shaped door made out of mahogany wood. As soon as the doors opened, Shinjiro's eyes widened. Awaiting them was the Red Queen. She was a tall and regal looking woman with black hair pulled into a ponytail and big gold hoop earrings. Her dress was a magnificent blood red color, covered in black broken hearts. It was puffy and had black lace trimming the bottom of it. She smiled at them and Shinjiro was blown away by how commanding she appeared.

The Red Queen took Alice in her arms and embraced her. "Alice, dear, what do I owe the pleasure?"

She laughed and said, "We need weapons."

The Red Queen pulled her away at arms length and said, "No further words are needed. You know I'd help you no matter what."

Alice smiled, "Thank you."

She nodded then caught Shinjiro's eye. "Oh my," she said flustered.

"What is it?" Shinjiro asked confusion covering his face.

"You are very handsome. Are you Alice's lover?"

Shinjiro's face turned red instantly. "N-o," he stammered out, flabbergasted.

She nodded, "Alright but if you ever do become her lover, treat her right." She winked at him, causing Shinjiro to turn even redder.

The Red Queen then waved her hand forward, "Come with me everyone. I'll make sure you have suitable weapons to defeat the enemy."

Shinjiro nodded and followed the queen.

"Wow! This weapon's great!" Minato said swinging the sword back and forth, slicing at the air. The queen nodded, "Of course and that weapon has special properties."

"Special how?" he asked, holding the sword in front of him. He examined it, waiting for her answer.

"It will poison your enemies on impact," she said smiling.

Minato's eyes widened, "No way. That. Is. The. Coolest. Thing. Ever!"

The queen laughed. "Yes, my weapons are top notch," she said throwing her hair over her shoulder.

Shinjiro looked at the various axes and the queen walked up to him. "I see you eyeing my axes. I would suggest this one." She handed him a lightweight axe with flame designs on it. "This axe is called the destroyer. It can destroy shadows with a couple of hits," she said proudly.

"You know about the shadows?" he asked astonished.

She nodded, "They've been plaguing our world for a little bit. I'd be a fool to not know they exist."

Shinjiro nodded and gave the axe a good swing. It felt nice in his hands, he smiled as he swung it once again.

"I take it you like the destroyer?"

"Yes, it feels good to swing it," he said grinning.

The queen nodded, "It's a good one. Take care of it."

He nodded. Next, Zen looked through the crossbows, with Rei commenting on them. "That one doesn't look strong enough," she said pointing to a blue and silver one. Zen nodded and kept looking. Rei finally smiled when Zen picked up a black and red crossbow.

"Try that one Zen!" she cried.

Zen held it in his hands and tried it out.

"Yes. I think this one will be sufficient," he said.

"Did I do good?"

Rei asked pleadingly like a puppy waiting for approval. Zen nodded, "You did good."

"Yay!" Rei cried out.

Akihiko then looked at the brass knuckles that the queen had lying next to the swords. "Hmm," he said trying out one, then two, before finally finding one he liked. He smiled when he had found one, thrusting his fists forward, getting a feel for the knuckles.

"Alice what do you use?" he asked. He realized he didn't know what Alice used.

Alice grabbed a magnum gun. Shinjiro sweat dropped. "I didn't think you could use a gun," he said.

Alice grinned, "Oh babe you have no idea."

Shinjiro flushed at the nickname and coughed slightly. He looked away for a moment, embarrassed.

"I think we're all equipped. Rei uses magic primarily, and doesn't require a weapon. Thank you Red Queen," Shinjiro said formally.

The Red Queen shook her head, "Call me Audrey. It is my name after all. Red Queen is so stiff and impersonal."

Shinjiro nodded, "I'll make a note of it."

Audrey nodded, smiling. "Thank you. I hope my weapons will help you in battle."

Alice nodded, "I'm sure they will. Let's go guys," she said turning to them. Shinjiro nodded, the next step would be to eliminate the shadows and save Alice's parents. 

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