Saving Wonderland

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The Jabberwocky continued to stare at Alice's parents. It stood still, moving occasionally. Shinjiro nodded at Alice and she took out her magnum gun and shot at the Jabberwocky. It let out a shrill cry, before turning around and snarling at them. It rose into the air, its wings suspending it in the air. It opened its mouth and let out a lava attack. However, it wasn't normal lava, it was the nightmarish and black lava that surrounded the area. Shinjiro jumped out of the way and the others followed suit. Zen shot at the Jabberwocky with his crossbow and it was a direct hit. The attack wasn't enough to graze it though. It merely shook its head and knocked the arrow to the side. Zen groaned, but then Rei jumped into the air and cried out. 

"Bane slice!" she said and moved her arm up and down quickly. 

This attack seemed to hurt the Jabberwocky more. It actually stumbled backwards. Shinjiro frowned, was it weak against magic? He summoned Castor and decided to test out his theory. "Teardrop Castor," he cried out and his persona used a light bash attack. The Jabberwocky wasn't weakened much. Shinjiro nodded, then called out to Minato. "Leader use magic on this enemy! I believe that's its weakness!" Minato glanced at Shinjiro and nodded. "Got it. Zio!," he cried out and lightning magic appeared. The Jabberwocky groaned and was immediately damaged. Shinjiro's theory was correct. Which meant he wouldn't be able to do much. His persona relied on physical attacks. He figured he could help his team out though. Akihiko used Agi on the Jabberwocky then and it stumbled back a little. Rei then used frozen slice, a bufu type attack. The gang was slowly but surely wearing the Jabberwocky down. Alice grabbed a piece of cake and ate it then. She grew in size, and stood as tall as the Jabberwocky now. She infused her magnum with a fire attack and hit the Jabberwocky full force. It groaned and struggled to remain standing. 

Shinjiro watched in awe, as it was swaying from side to side. Minato called forth Orpheus then and used a powerful Agi attack. The Jabberwocky got hit by it and roared. It seemed angry. The Jabberwocky used its wings to charge at their leader. He got out of the way just in time. The Jabberwocky was still on a rampage though. It hit Rei with the lava attack and she fell to the ground, defeated. "REI!!" Zen cried, rushing to her side. He held her and took her out of the battle. He stood on the sidelines with her. Akihiko used Agi then and the Jabberwocky teetered on its feet. Alice charged up an attack and unleashed a powerful attack. Stars fell from the star, and a burning fireball raced towards the Jabberwocky. It hit it and the Jabberwocky fell to the ground. The shadow that had been possessing it released its hold and cried out. The Jabberwocky stood up then, dazed.

"What happened?" it asked.

Alice went over to it and explained everything. The Jabberwocky nodded and then went to the portal where the shadows had been emerging. It crushed the portal with its feet and the portal went out of existence. The Jabberwocky then freed Alice's parents. Alice ran up to them and cried out.

"Mom, dad!"

Her parents embraced her and then Alice ran over to me. She grabbed my hand and introduced me to them. They smiled and her mom said, "He's cute!" Shinjiro flushed. "MOM!" Alice cried embarrassed.

"What?" Her mom asked oblivious.

Minato came up to them then and said, "Wrap it up Shinji. You know we have to go back home. There's always people who need our help."

Shinjiro nodded and hugged Alice suddenly. "Shinji," she said shocked.

"Alice, I love you, but my leader's right I have to go home. I might come visit sometime though," he said smiling.

Alice nodded. "I'll hold you to that."

Shinjiro laughed and then walked back with his friends. Minato asked Alice if she could open a portal to their home. She nodded and her pink rabbit friend Peter appeared. He created a portal and they went through. Before Shinjiro jumped through though he called out, "I'll never forget you." With that he jumped in and returned home.

Two months later

Shinjiro visited Alice every Friday. It was the one day when he could be with his love and they agreed that Friday would be a good day to meet up again. Shinjiro never forgot Alice and he loved Wonderland. Sometimes he thought Wonderland was more of a home than where he lived. The madness of Wonderland had truly affected Shinjiro and he would have been lying if he said he was normal after the whole encounter. Alice approached Alice then and the two of them walked hand in hand. They looked at the horizon and both realized they were perfectly happy together. After all who doesn't love a little madness? 

Author's Note: I hope you all enjoyed the story! I certainly enjoyed writing it! :)

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