Dormouse's Domain

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Author's Note: Hey guys I hope you are enjoying this story. I am certainly having fun writing it. I've been reading a lot of fanfictions here on Wattpad lately and I keep being blown away by the talent at story telling from these authors. I hope my writing keeps improving, because you can keep getting better. Perfection is not something I'm striving for. Being perfect is boring, unpredictable and unattainable frankly. I strive to merely write better than I did last year or even last month. Well onto the story!

Girls were always thinking Shinjiro was either stuck-up or quiet and boring. It had never really bothered him before. He hadn't even wanted a girlfriend to be frank. However, with Alice it was different. She was everything those other girls weren't. She was kind, sweet, cute and a bit mad. He had developed feelings for her whether he had wanted to or not.

When Shinjiro woke up that morning, he first noticed Junpei was missing and that Alice was standing by the hole of the tree, looking out into the distance.

Shinjiro shook his head and joined Alice. "Where'd Junpei run off to?" he questioned.

Alice turned to him, "He went off to find the dormouse's favorite thing, so we could lure him out."

"And what would that be?" Shinjiro asked amused.

"Sugar of course," she said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

Now that Shinjiro thought about it, the dormouse was usually seen portrayed in a cup of some sort. What that cup held, no one seemed to know. Sugar seemed to be what it held. Hmm that was an intriguing notion.

"So where is he supposed to find this sugar?" he said.

"In the forest we just left. There should be a bush with toast that makes you grow. Beside that bush, the sugar is grown."

Shinjiro nodded, this whole place was nonsensical, but then again this was Wonderland. Nothing could ever be normal with the place. Shinjiro smirked at that thought. Alice held something in her left hand. Shinjiro wondered what it was. He was about to ask, when she opened her hand. It held a glass heart. Shinjiro stared at it quizzically.

When Alice handed it to him, he took it in his hands and examined it. "What is this?" he questioned.

Alice said, "It's a do-over."

"Huh?" he asked a puzzled look on his face.

Alice explained, "If you happen to die, which is very unlikely, this will bring you back to life."

Shinjiro's eyes widened, "Really?"

Alice nodded, "Think of it as a thank you gift."

"For what?" Shinjiro asked.

"For being my first love," she said. In that moment everything stood still and the sound of the forest was mute. Alice leaned into him and stole his first kiss. It was soft and sweet. He kissed her back, his heart hammering in his chest. When she broke apart, her face was blood red. She looked away, as if afraid of his rejection.

Shinjiro grabbed her hand and she gazed into his eyes. "Alice, you don't have to thank me for that. You're my first love too if you must know."

Alice's eyes widened and she smiled. When she smiled, it looked like her whole body relaxed. "I wasn't sure if you felt the same way," she said sheepishly.

Shinjiro grinned, "Of course I feel the same way. Didn't you hear what I said yesterday?"

Alice's eyes widened as she remembered the memory. She laughed and said, "How could I forget?"

"I still had my doubts though. No one's ever liked me as more than a friend," she admitted.

"Same here," Shinjiro said.

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