Chapter 6: Blinding Lights, Blinded Hearts

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"Look who's here," Katherine says, her voice in an ever so seductive purr. She stirred her martini with a straw as her steamy eyes lingered on the four new boys who had just emerged from the hall.

How did they get into this party? It's not like they knew anybody special just after a couple days at a new school to already get invited to a party full of populars.

"Who invited them?" I question, glancing at them subtly out of the corner of my eye. I didn't want to get caught looking at them like I had the first day of school.

Katherine didn't answer me, her eyes remained on the boys with interest, an amused smirk on her face.

The boys stood there at the end of the hallway together, their eyes doing a take over of the room, observing the tropical theme.

A bar set up at the side of the room with a hula girl as the bartender, there were fake hollow palm trees that were randomly placed around the dim room, like the one that was sprouting in the middle of the dance floor that girls had been using as a stripper pole.

The walls had strikingly blue ocean waves painted onto them, the color of the waves darkening as the sky painted above it transitioned from sunrise, sunset, and then not painted on the wall but representing the moon, a large disco ball that hung above the dance floor.

Lucas had really gone all out for this floor, I couldn't even imagine how extravagant the other ones were.

The same girls that had greeted Katherine and I as we had walked into the room, hustled over to the boys saying something in Hawaiian; then placing colorful leis on each of their necks as they swung their hips, trying way too hard to appear like hula girls.

I mimicked Katherine's movements of stirring my own martini as I watched them.

I held the martini like a decoration, not planning on drinking it or even tasting the strong fruit smelling drink.

Watching my dad drink constantly had made alcohol unappealing to me but I don't mind that my friends drank. Well by friends drinking I meant Katherine since Stephanie liked her drinks like she liked her lifestyle. Virgin.

The boys, and by boys I mean the one who had spilled his tray on me, had spotted Katherine and I in the far dim corner we resided in, color streamers hanging above us.

His hair wasn't straightened like it had been on the first day, but the natural dark thin curls that almost passed his shoulders suited him well, making him look in some way, affable. It was the same for the clothes he wore, he was overall the definition of- independent? Nonchalant? Or maybe- No, this boy needs a thesaurus to be described.

"Damn," I thought to myself, turning my head away as my face flushed pink.

Too bad these streamers weren't long enough for me to disappear behind.

"Katherine, I think they are coming over here." I murmured quickly, almost a nervous edge in my voice.

Katherine just glanced at me knowingly and smiled, she then returned her eyes back to the four boys who were making their way across the room to meet us, they looked either careless or confident. I couldn't really tell.

"You planned this didn't you?" I ask in a flat tone of realization.

This is why she had insisted relentlessly on me coming to this party tonight, even after I declined her invitation and Lucas's; and also ignoring Stephanie's pleading text messages.

"Hey, Vic! Hey, guys!" Katherine waved as the boys stopped short to us. Katherine not answering the obvious, avoiding my knowing glare at her.

"So, this is the famous Jessica St. Clair you've been dying to meet." Katherine continued, not talking to anyone in particular. Her voice was oddly friendly, along with the smile that was spread across her face. Her lips were colored a deep shade of red; as she smiled her dark lips illuminated her white teeth.

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