Chapter 13: If I get a little prettier can I be your Brady?

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this might be a triggering chapter for some, read at your own risk



"Hmph." I groaned as I hauled a heavy bag through my yard, my hands clamped on each side of the handles of the plastic bag. My feet shuffled quickly in the trimmed grass so that I could dump this burden that started to make my arms tremble from the weight.

The contents inside pulled the plastic and stretched it as if it was threatening to rip the bag right open, it also making the bag sag closer to the ground as I heaved it; I now hurriedly moved, fearing that I'd have to go get another trash bag for another  mess.

I swear, if that thing tears right out the bottom-

"UGH!" I groaned as I took two giant last strides to the curb, raising both my arms into the air, releasing my grip on the plastic devil and let it land in the garbage can with a thud.

Before I could cheer in my victory, I heard clatter of wood as it collided with the ground, right where the street began from my driveway.

Well, I guess only part of my victory made it into the dark green garbage can.

"Traitor," I scoffed at the can.

Right before I could bend over and retrieve the lone survivor of wood, I saw a shadow figure outline of a person next to me in the street.

I jumped in my skin and swiftly spun around to face the owner of the shadow, prepared to lay some punches with my fists wielded in front of my chest.

"Whoa, whoa. Calm down, Rocky. It's just me, no need to bring out those bad boys." My neighbor says, eyeing my clutched fists.

"Brady." I exhaled in relief.


She wasn't in the school parking lot.

I knew that right away.

Her car wasn't parked where it usually was, near the front of the school and close to the entrance doors.

So then I had the amazing idea, "Hey, Vic since you already know where Jessica lives and it's only a quick drive away, why not go find her there? I mean it couldn't hurt anything, right?"

And that brought me to where I was now, idly and very much stalkerly driving down Jessica's street, collecting strange looks from her neighbors as I did so.

As I approached, Jessica's lavish house came into view.

So did she.

In her driveway by the curb she stood by a garbage barrel, clutching something that looked like a- leg to a chair? How bizarre.

I pulled up next to the curb in front of her next door neighbor's house and parked there, remaining in my seat. I knew I shouldn't burst out of my car and run at her like a madman, and so I waited for a moment. How exactly do you explain to someone that you casually were just driving past their house to get home and decided to say hi? Especially when your house is like, not even near this general vicinity?

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