Chapter 12: eyes of poseidon

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My morning began with Mike's fist pounding on my bedroom door as he yelled, "Come on wake up! School starts in ten minutes and we have to pick up Tony!"

My body flailed like a fish out of water as I sat up on the side of my bed, realizing how late it felt as the morning light pour in from the window well on the side of my room. My eyes glanced immediately to my digital alarm clock on my nightstand, my eyes finding the dreaded time.



By 8:37 I drove away from curb in front of my house dressed in what I had quickly thrown on after my swift shower and sped down the paved street towards Tony's. Who was probably wondering where the hell I was.


I idly pulled by the curb in front of Tony's house, where he sat on the porch steps with his eyes on his phone and his backpack seated next to him. He didn't look up from his screen at the sound of my car purring just 15 mere feet away.


I honked once and Tony's head snapped up, startled. A smile crept on his face once he spotted my car and realized it was me.

He threw his backpack over one shoulder and booked it through his lawn straight to the passenger door. After climbing in and slamming the door far too hard, he turned to me and asked, "Where's Mike at?"

  "Mom had a fit when he tried to go out the door with me. She said something about needing to stay home and rest or whatever, since his surgery was yesterday." 

I shifted the car into drive and took off down his street, no doubt leaving my tire treads on the pavement as I sped away. We were headed towards school finally.

"What about you?" Tony asks mellowly.

I side glanced Tony with an eyebrow raised.

"What about me?"

"Are you well rested for your," Tony lifted his hands in a dramatic way that you'd see someone in a musical do, "Date tonight with Jessica?"

I elbowed him and rolled my eyes.

"It's not a date." I muttered.

Tony rolled his eyes too. "Yeah, and we aren't thirty minutes late to school."


I had finally managed to get to school, rushing down the hallway towards my first period class. Which I only had like, 25 more minutes of.

Once I plopped down in my seat and pulled out my pencil and notebook to join in on the boring note taking that made up the class of English, my phone buzzed twice in my back pocket and against the seat; creating an extremely obnoxious noise. Which no doubt the people seated near me had heard.

A couple people looked my way, trying to decide if it was my phone that had went off or the guy's next to me, Carson Hyde or whatever his name was.

I sighed and stared down at my paper as I felt Mrs. Steven's eyes glare at me, well the top of my head; I was not meeting her deadly witch eyes, no thanks. Carson could take the blame for this one.

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