To My Readers

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Hi. This isn't part of the story.

I feel like it's important that I explain something to you before you go on to read my story that I have been writing.

Everything that I am writing about are things that occur daily in the real world.

Just because I am writing about it doesn't mean I support or condone that kind of behavior.

Abuse isn't funny.

Violence isn't funny.

Drinking, getting drunk, or doing drugs isn't funny.

After I create these characters they are alive and real to me. I just watch what they do and my job is to simply tell you what they are doing and where their actions are taking them. It is a part of their story. And it is a part of the real world and I feel that it is important to show that not everybody has the perfect home life or gets to go home to a happy complete family everyday.

Everybody makes mistakes. So do my characters.

If you don't like reading stories that include those things then I recommend that you just not read my story. But I hope you are aware that even if you avoid to read my story or others similar, these serious significant issues will still be there.

Read at your own risk, remember that you were cautioned.

I hope you enjoy my story and that this didn't make me seem too rude or mean, it's just really important to me to show all the different struggles some have to deal with everyday and show the consequences of poor decisions, you can't ever ignore that; especially when it happens to you.

Thank you, friends.

~ Holland xx, 7/16/15

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