Three's A Crowd | Stuck in my Head

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[Sonja's P.O.V.]
When we arrive at the Tucker/Tom Residence, Tom pulls out his key and opens the front door to let me in while Tucker grabs my bags and takes them inside. I walk to Tucker's and my room and sit on the freshly made bed while Tucker brings the last of my bags up. "Thank you Mr. Tucker Boner. " I say as he sits down next to me and pulls my legs over his lap. "Your welcome Ms. Sonja Reid." He says then wraps his arms around me and kisses me softly. This goes on for quite a while, and I can't help but notice that I don't feel all of the sparks that I once felt with Tucker.

After a couple minutes, I hear quiet snickering. I open my eyes and turn my head to see Tom in the doorway holding his phone up. He sees me looking at him and his eyes widen. I jump up off of Tucker's lap and he starts running down the hall with me close behind.

"TOM! YOU GET YOUR BUTT BACK HERE!" I yell while running down the stairs. He stumbles on the bottom step but regains his balance. He looks behind him at me and he starts to run again. I reach the bottom of the stairs and I suddenly burst out laughing when he runs right into the couch and flips over it, land on the couch in his back. I run up to the back of the couch and jump over it, landing right on top of him. I lean over to grab his phone that he was holding in his outstretched arm. Still sitting on him (around his stomach), I delete the video of me and Tucker kissing and hand his phone back. I know I shouldn't enjoy touching ( let alone sitting on ) Tom, but I can't help but feel comfortable around him. I look down at Tom and he's smiling at me. He's not just smiling with his mouth though, it's a smile with his eyes too. Not one of those stupid forced smiles you see in TV shows. A genuine one. I look at his beautiful brown eyes. The world begins to melt around us and I only see Tom and I.

Stop it Sonja. You. Love. Tucker...... don't you?

I push aside those thoughts when I hear Tucker coming down the stairs. I quickly get off of Tom's stomach and move his legs over to sit next to him. Close though. Tucker goes right to the kitchen and I look back at him and he's glaring annoyingly, almost jealous, at Tom. He comes back from the kitchen with some beers for us 3 and sits down on the other side of me on the couch and puts on a movie.

I am squished in between Tom and Tucker on the couch. Tucker has his arm around me and Tom is actually quite reserved, with his knees up to his chest and his arms wrapped around his legs, hugging them. With the way that he has his sweatshirt hood up over his head he looks cute.

You really need to stop. You. Can't. Like. Him. Like. That.

I try to distract myself from thinking about him by watching the movie but it doesn't work very well (mainly due to the fact that it's a romantic action/adventure movie). I feel a hand on my lower shin by my ankle and at first I think it's Tucker, but his arms are wrapped around me. Tom. I really don't know what he's doing but I'm almost positive that I don't want him to stop.
A/N- It's C again! A (a.k.a. shahorsig ) actually wrote most of this chapter but asked me to finish it because we have a personal rule to have a minimum of having 500 words and she was having minor writer's block. She handed it over to me before she could write an A/N so here I am writing one for her. So firstly, I know that she would want to say hello to you wonderful people who are reading this, so, Hello! And secondly, um.. Peace!
That's a thing that just happened.

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