Three's A Crowd | The Escape

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[Sonja P.O.V.]

The next morning I wake up by myself. I get out of bed and walk downstairs and see no one. I check the office. No one. I check Toms room. Nothing. I even yell Tom and Tucker's name. No response.

They probably went out somewhere. Hopefully they went out somewhere.

I go back upstairs and change into Arizona shorts and a blue tank top. I walk into my office and turn on computer and check up on some emails. After that, I walk into the kitchen and get myself some tea.

I turn on some Rick and Morty to pass the time till I stream.

When I finish my tea I put the cup in the sink and get ready to start up the stream for Fuck boy Friday. I text Hayli and ask if she's ready since Ally's out of town. She replies with a thumbs up. I go on twitch and click start streaming and dance to the music like I always do. Then I start my streaming.

About an hour into the stream I hear someone walk In the house. Then Grizzwald starts barking. That's Tucker. I see him walk past my room and wave at me. I smile and my chat starts asking:
Who is it?
Are you getting robbed?
That's the FoxxFam.

I end streaming a little sad but then Tucker walks into me and plays it off as a hug. I laugh and hug back.

"I'm gonna stream Black ops 3 but after that I'm all yours" he says into my hair. I nod and say "Okay. I'll be waiting."

I start to walk away but I remember something. "Hey Tucker, where is Tom? I thought he was gonna be here the whole week."

"He texted me saying that there was some kind of emergency that he had to tend to in the UK. His flight leaves in about an hour I think."

"Oh, okay."

Not okay. Why does he get to leave and let me wonder whether I'm spending my life with the right person or not. Why. Does. He. Think. He. Can. Abandon. Me. 

"I'm gonna run a few errands while you're streaming, ok?"

"Ok. If you go to any supermarket can you pick me up some monster?"


I grab my phone, keys, and wallet, and hop in my car. I take the highway to the L.A. Airport and risk getting arrested by speeding the entire way. I park and run in the large building.

"What terminal is the earliest flight to the UK?" I ask the lady at the customer support desk. She puts her finger up in response and continues to talk on the phone."


I run as fast as I can through security without being suspicious and get into the food area.

*Flight 923; L.A. To London Now boarding Group A.*

I see people start to stand and move towards a gate. I follow them and see a blue haired guy carrying a duffel about to stand. I start to run/walk towards him. He stands, hears me, and turns toward me.


"Thomas Cassel, you will not leave me here to figure out my feelings alone."

I continue to walk up to him and I start to tear up.

"You. Will. Not. Leave. Me. Here. Alone."

I had grabbed the newspaper out of an old couple's hand and was hitting Tom in between every word.

"You won't, you can't."
I'm sobbing in my hands on the floor now. People are staring and I don't care.

Toms hands lift me up so I'm standing. He says nothing and just wraps his arms around me.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have thought you would be better off if I left."
"Just come home, please."
"Okay. I took an uber so you'll have to drive me."

"Okay." I giggle.

We get in my car after loading his stuff in my trunk and start on the highway towards home.

"We gotta make a stop on the way home." I tell Tom.


"We gotta get some drinks."

A/N~ Hi it's C. I got an idea and so I just rolled with it. Hopefully another chapter soon but who am I kidding I've been saying that for the last 70 chapters :/

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