Three's A Crowd | Leverage

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[Sonja's P.O.V.]
The movie ends and both Tom and Tucker are asleep. Tucker's head is on my shoulder and Toms head is on armrest of the couch, with his hand still on my leg. I quietly and softly remove Tom's hand from my leg and Tucker's head from my shoulder. I stand up and stretch. I start to head to the room that Tucker and I shared but I get stopped by a mirror that hangs in the hallway. In the mirror I see a girl who is confused, sad, excited, and upset all in one facial expression. Oh, wait. That's me.

I continue to the room and change into my pajamas ( a white tank top with semi-short sleep shorts ) and crawl into bed. I drift off to sleep while thinking about, well, almost everything.


I wake up and realize that I am still alone the bed. I grab a sweatshirt from my bag and slip it on as I walk down the hallway. I look right and notice that Tom's room is empty as well. I run back to my room and grab my phone from the side table and quietly walk down the stairs. Sitting right there, on the couch, is Tucker and Tom cuddling while sleeping. I turn on my camera on my phone and take a few pictures and then start recording. I nudge Tucker and he just tightens his grip on Tom. I shake him and he still doesn't wake up so I nudge Tom. He doesn't respond nor move. I continue to shake and nudge them and they continue to sleep and ignore me. I scream.

They both jump up and Tom trips on the leg of the coffee table falling face first into the floor. "What's wrong Sonja!?" Tucker asks with urgency.

Tom's face is full of concern and fear. "Oh. Nothing." I say as I walk away towards the kitchen to start making breakfast. "Then why the hell did you scream!?" Tucker asks obviously very annoyed but still scared.

"Oh. I don't know. Maybe because of this." I show him my the picture of him and Tom sleeping together. He tries to grab the phone from out of my hand but my reflexes are better than his. I pull it away and turn it off. "Sorry but your not getting it that easily." I say and turn to continue making scrambled eggs. "Well what would I need to do to... persuade you?" He wraps his arms around my waist and puts his head on my shoulder.

"First, Chipotle. Lunch. Today. Takeout. Then, we'll talk." I say so simply. "Okay pretty lady." Tucker remover his head and his arms from me to grab 3 plates and 3 forks from the cabinets. Tom walks over and pours 3 glasses of orange juice and sets them on the breakfast bar and then sits down in the left chair. I finish the eggs and put them on the plates and place them on the three placemats and sit down in the middle seat. Tucker grabs the forks and hands them out then sits down himself in the only empty seat.

The breakfast goes by pretty quickly considering that it was only eggs. Tom goes to record a video so Tucker and I play prop hunt for a couple hours till 1:00. "Tucker." He continues to play. "Tuckerrrrr!" "Whaaat?" He says as he continues to play. I wrap my arms around his neck and whisper in his ear. "You owe me Chipotle."

He saves and quits the game and shuts off the computer and stands up. "Stand up." He says with a smirk on his face. "What if I refuse?"
"I'll persuade you."
I smile and stand up and he immediately picks me up and throws me over his shoulder.
"Put me down!" I yell at him while trying to contain my laughter.
He walks me to the living room and sets me down on the couch and kisses me on the nose. "I'll be back in an hour." He grabs his keys and leaves.

I grab a blanket and the tv remote. I turn on the TV and Tom walks in.
A/N- Hey guys it's C again! I love writing these but the next chapter might be a day late because A is on a camping trip so she can't write her chapter so I have to :/ If I stay up late and hammer it out it might be out on time. Also on another note.... GirlGamer2000 is the first favorite on the story so shouts outs to her! :)

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