Three's A Crowd | You Forgot the Basket

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[Sonja's P.O.V.]
The rest of the day goes by quickly and I actually forget about Tom while Tucker and I play Rocket League. We are on the same team with some noob who continues to score on our own goal but somehow we happen to win. Tucker then shuts off his game and comes over to me and just looks at me.
"Yes? Can I do something for you?"
I look into his eyes.
"Tomorrow. We are going to the park. All three of us."
"Oh. Ok."
"You're not excited?"
I look at him with an almost straight face.
"I am excited."
He smiles at me.
I smile but on the inside I am screaming.

| | TIME-LAPSE: to the next day | |

I wake up (this time with Tucker in the bed next to me) at 9:30 a.m. I get up and walk downstairs to find Tom has already started making breakfast. I sit down at the breakfast bar and go on my phone. Tom hands me a plate of scrambled eggs. I take it with a smile and mumble thank you. He grabs his serving and sits down next to me.
"Did Tucker tell you that we're going to the park today?" I ask.
"Yeah." He replies simply while eating another bite of his eggs.
The awkward silence takes over the air and we continue to eat until I am almost finished and he is finished.
"I'm sorry." He says.
"For what?" I continue to finish my last bite of eggs.
"For, ummm, yesterday."
Deja vu.
"You gotta stop apologizing." I say with a little laugh.
"It's just that I don't want to make things awkward between us. I really feel like I messed up."
"Tom, it's okay. At least you didn't die in..... episode 3."
He starts laughing and I start laughing along with him as Tucker comes downstairs in his pajamas with his hair in a mess.
"What are you guys talking about?" He says as he walks over to us and rubs his eyes.
Tom almost instantly stops laughing and eyes me. I calmly and unsuspiciously stop my laughing.
"We're just talking about creating another hardcore Minecraft series that would kind of be like a certain series that someone died in very early on..." I say slyly.
"When will people stop bringing that up!" Tucker says very sassily while grabbing his share of eggs. Tom and I start laughing again but this time he laughs easier. Tucker stuffs his face quickly and asks Tom to make sandwiches while he washes our doses and I make some fruit juice. Tucker goes upstairs and takes a shower while we continue to get food and drinks into travel containers as per Tucker's instructions. After a couple more minutes of silent food preparation Tucker comes downstairs all fresh and groomed and is holding....... a picnic basket?
"Really? That's so cliché."
He walks over toward me and hands the basket to Tom, who was holding his left hand out to take the basket and was using his right hand to put some ham on another sandwich. Tucker kisses my forehead and then mumbles in my hair.
"I know, but I think that you can deal."
He wraps his arms around my waist as I wrap my arms around him and he lifts my chin up and softly kisses my lips. A little peck.
"Umm. Excuse me Mr.Boner. What exactly are we gonna be doing today?" Tom says as he holds up the basket.
Tucker grabs the basket and backs away from me.
"You'll see."
He goes and sits down on the couch and goes on his phone.
I go upstairs and shower myself and get  dressed in semi-short white shorts and a green and white ladies cut t-shirt. I blow dry my hair and put it up into an unintentional messy bun. I grab my tan ankle boots and go back downstairs. Tom and Tucker are sitting on the couch on opposite ends both on their phones but the tv is on.
"Are we going to go?"
"Yes. Yes we are." Tucker and Tom stands up and we all head for the car. This time I hop in the back seat while Tom is in the passenger seat. It is about a two minute drive to their local park and Tucker parks the car. I get out and see in the middle of the park there is a fountain.
"Oh my gods. There's a fountain."
Tom and Tucker just look at me.
"I've never seen anyone be that excited about a fountain." Tom says.
We all walk over to it and Tucker starts flipping out.
"God damn it! I forgot the basket."
"The basket with the food that we prepared?"
"Okay. Back to the car." I sigh.
"No. You guys stay here. I'll be right back." Tucker pulls out the car keys.
"You sure?" Tom says.
"Positive. It'll only take 10 minutes." He smiles and walks back towards the car.
"So. Um. Weather is a thing." Tom says awkwardly.
"Tom, come on." I pull him towards the fountain and sit him down on the edge and I sit down next to him. Not right next to but close enough.
"Are you okay?" He says.
"I'm perfectly fine. Are you okay."
"I don't know. Do you maybe want to play some Minecraft with Tucker later?"
"Sure. That would actually be really fun." I smile.
"Good. Do you know why Tucker decided a park would be a good idea?"
"Maybe because Canada is always cold and here I can actually wear shorts."
We laugh and I put my hand on his thigh.
Sonja!? What are you doing?
He looks at me in my eyes and I lean in. He does the same and our lips collide. And it's magical. The feeling. He pulls away and I hear a car pull into the parking lot.
"Shit." Tom says and looks over towards the car.
Shit indeed.
A/N: Hey guys! I'm sorry that this is not on the daily schedule that I said that it would be on. I got like major writers block and now I like can't stop writing XD. The next chapter might be like an update on the story but after that it will be another chapter :).

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