Karsen- Too Quiet

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Picture of Karsen to the side


She was going to be back today. I found myself excited and I didn't know why. Why did I care so much about everything she did?

She had been gone a long, very long month. I found myself counting down the days. Her friend Danny had become a very close friend of mine, though I sensed she wanted to be more than friends, but I didn't like her that way.

She had kept me updated on Layla's progress. She went from intensive care to a regular room in record time, the doctors couldn't believe her healing rate. In a week she was out of the hosptial, but she didn't come back. She spent time with Danny and her brother I'm sure.

Speaking of Danny, she bounced up to me, her wide black eyes giddy. She was like a porcelain doll with the deepest black short hair and white skin. Her midnight eyes were wide and innocent and her pink little lips would pull up to reveal milky white little teeth.

Her voice did not match her looks at all, she was loud and rowdy.

"KARSEN. HEY KARSEN. LAYLA'S BACK, DID YOU KNOW THAT?" She stopped at my side, gripping my arm and tugging the sleeve.

Her enthusiasm made me laugh," I know. Why don't you go see her?" I nudged her side and she giggled nodding.

"YEAH, COME ON LET'S GO SEE HER!" She dragged me to where a silver car was pulling up. The door opened and she stepped out, she was so beautiful. It was an odd ball warm November day and she took advantage of that wearing a mid thigh length jean skirt and a green top that brung out her emerald eyes.

I shook my head, clearing the thoughts. Her brother was there in the car, he sent a look my way before smiling at Layla," Have a good day back. Be careful, 'kay?"

"Yeah." Layla agreed, and closed the door. She turned to face us, a gleaming smile on her face. She eyed me before sticking out her hand," I'm sorry the way I acted before. My name is Layla." Her voice was high and sweet. It had sounded so wrong hearing her scream in pain in that voice.

I stepped forward to shake her outstretched hand but she pulled me down to her short height into a hug. Her arms went around my neck and her breath tickled my ear," Thank you so much." She whispered, her hair smelled like cotton candy.

My arms went around her waist, lifting her onto her tip-toes as I returned it," No problem." I replied and she giggled, pulling away. I felt colder for some reason. I knew I shouldn't feel this, I just had to keep up the act. For Julie.

She pretended to bat her eye lashes at me, and I had to admit she looked so much better when she did it than when Macy did. Macy had been all over me every time I was near, but I couldn't get Layla off my mind.

Before I would be all over some one like Macy, but now all I wanted was brown hair and green eyes.

"So, kind sir, would you walk me to my class?" She tilted her voice into a british accent, tipping her head so that her hair spilled over her shoulder. I wanted to tuck it behind her ear.

Danny walked away suddenly and went to chat with some other girls, one of them gave Layla a nasty glare.

Uh, oh. I plastered on a grin, focusing on Layla," The pleasure would be mine." I said, holding out my arm in a gentle manly fashion. She took it, turning up her freckled nose," It sure is." I laughed.

We made it across the parking lot to the stairs and were half way up them when it happened. Macy sauntered to one of her friends and yelled," Oh, look, the whore is back."

I saw Layla grit her teeth to keep the smile on her face, but her eyes glittered harshly with anger and I watched as her self- esteem seemed to shrink into nothing.

I turned to Macy," That wasn't really nice." I chided my voice low.

Layla looked ready to protest at my scolding but Macy sneered her white teeth glistening," Oh, I see. I know you like being all nice to her by walking her to class and pretending to want to be her friend. Your sympathy trip is definentely the answer."

I felt Layla stiffen," No it's not-" I started but she ripped away from me, I could see the hurt," It's fine. I can walk by myself." She told me and turned on her heel, entering the school.

I had to calm myself with deep breaths and Macy sashayed up to me, drawing a manicured pink nail along the line of my jaw. She turned my face so I was looking into her hard blue eyes.

"It's ok. She's gone now. You can stop hiding your feelings for me." She purred, pressing up against me. I jerked away from her, running a hand through my hair before facing her.

"Maybe I wasn't hiding my feelings. The truth is, I have no feelings for you at all." Her face was priceless as her mouth dropped open, catcalls filled the air, but I continued.

"Actually, I do have one feeling towards you." I corrected and her face brightened," Disgust, you are the most disgusting person I have ever met. And your ugly, on the inside and out." With that I pried open the door and stalked in.

I scanned the crowd looking for Layla, but finally I gave up and went to first period. She was there, smile back on her face as she talked to the girl in front of her.

I sat in the empty seat beside her, and surprisingly she didn't protest. Well, she gave no reaction at all, like I wasn't even there.

Suddenly some guy walked by and pulled the chair out from under her, she fell flat on her butt looking startled.

"You little slut, you don't even need a chair. You're probably on your knee's all day anyways." He said. I saw her face flush as she quietly stood and claimed her chair again. This time when the smile came back it was too small for my likings.

By lunch, the smile was gone all together. She sat with Danny and two other girls. Someone walked by and shoved her harshly, but she just pressed her lips together and steadied herself.

I sat down, but she was dazed, unaware of my presence or anyone elses.

I saw her face turn hateful as someone approached behind me, heels clicking. Layla stood and the whole cafeteria went silent.

Oh, no.

"What do you want, Macy." Layla snarled, looking murderous.

The sickly sweet voice came from behind me," Oh, I was just supposed to tell you that your mom called the office. Yeah, your brother went back on a special mission or something." Her voice grated," He might even die, hope he does, your whole family is crap."

Layla's expression was the meanest one I had ever seen, she looked like a angry cat. Her breaths came faster," Macy, I think you should leave." I informed lightly, I didn't know how much Layla could take without snapping.

"I don't know why you protect this ho. She deserved to be beat, probably was cheating, knowing her. Her Mom is probably a crack addicted skank, and her dad-"

I watched in almost slow motion as Macy eyes went wide in alarm. My head swiveled to find the source of her fear. Layla, she was climbing on to the table. She stood high and I scanned for the teachers. They were all gone, today was not the day for them to skip their jobs.

Layla was spitting fire," Say one more thing about my family, you two- faced, fake, blond bimbo. I. Dare. You." She challenged.

Danny was urging her to get off the table, but it was like she didn't even hear it. Her enraged eyes were latched onto Macy's smirking face. I held my breath. Macy obviously thought that Layla didn't have the guts to do anything.

"Your dad is probably a drug dealing waste of life."

That was it. Layla lunged, launching off the table straight onto a frantic Macy. They fell to the ground, Layla on top. She had no hesitation as she locked on slapped her across the face, grabbing her head and slamming it hard into the ground. Macy moaned, eyes rolling up some. Layla punched and ripped at her.

I pushed her off of her and Layla stood. She dangled a clump of shiny blond hair in front of Macy's face before flicking it away and laughing smugly.

"Don't talk about my family, and pull down your skirt. This isn't a stipper club." With that she walked out of the cafeteria.

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