Bella- Shock

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Picture of Bella to the side....Jennifer Lawrence

I was sitting with Markus at the table. The fancy cloth rubbed my palms just like the pain rubbed my heart as Markus smiled at me. He wasnt Hunter and never would be. I missed Layla, but the good thing was half the time I was too intoxicated to remember their faces clearly, let alone be nostalgic about them.

I sighed as i took another sip of my vodka soda mix, trying to dull away the pain. What was I doing? Markus was talking now, but all his words blurred together and I just nodded my at times that seemed right. We had already gone through the question asking stage. And now he just chattered about how the gang was, apparently it was still going, and how well the new recruits were. Apparently, everyone thought I had died, and I was a mortar. There were many girls in the gang now.

My phone buzzed and I jumped slightly. I discreetly glanced under the table. It was a text, from Hunter. My breath caught in my throat. He hadnt texted me since we agreed he leave. I read the text greedily.

We need to Call me.

My hands itched to answer but then I made myself remember that he had kept things from me. Hadnt told me that he had a brother. I know that he didnt talk about his past, that it was too painful for him. I just thought that he loved me enough to tell me everything.

I had told him I lost my trust in him. It was a total lie, I understood exactly why he didnt say it. I thought it was him who lost his trust in me.

So I deliberated, I would text him back. Tell him to leave me alone. He obviously didnt want me.

He replied instantly, This is serious. I'm coming to get u.

I stood, heart fluttering,"Markus, a family emergrncy has come up, I'm afraid I regretably will have to be leaving.

He only nodded. Standing himself and exiting without a goodbye. I frowned, my coldness must have upset him. I made my way to the front, the air outside was cold. It would be soon be Christmas, and the cold did not dissapoint. I shivered, pulling my coat tighter around me, but my bare legs were still vunerable in my dark blue cocktail dress and the metal ankle loops to my tall high heels froze to my skin, biting my ankles with the chill.

"Bella." The acknowledgment, greeting came from the side of the resturaunt in the shadows. I made my way over and Hunter was there. He had his fists clenched and seemed anxious, like he wanted to leave desperately. That hurt a little even in my slight woozy drunken state.

"What did you want to talk about?" I asked.

He sighed,"You're drunk. Get in."

I shook my head,"What are you talking about? I'm not going anywhere with you." I protested and suddenly he was striding towards me. He looked angry and scared and distraught all at the same time.

"This isnt about us, Bella. This is about our daughter. You need to come with me."

I sneered, not listening to the whole sentence," You've made it clear that you don't want there to be an us to be about." I was proud that the hurt in my voice was completely masked by anger.

He seemed distracted from whatever was so urgent before as his eyebrows drew together in raged disbelief.

"You're totally absurd! You're the one who kicked me out, and made us seperate."

I glared at him," Well it's not like you tried to contact me, or talk before this."

He huffed," Maybe because I found out you were with another man! That isn't exactly encouraging to me to try to get you back." He spat.

"It's not my fault you feel like you can't tell me things. If you had just told me you didn't trust me enough, didn't love me enough, to tell me about your brother I would have understood and left for myself. No! I had to find out that by you keeping things from me!"

He froze, apalled. I looked away embarrassed as he absorbed what I had just said. I felt the familiar scorching hotness of his skin as he placed his fingers under my chin and lifted my face so I had to look into his disbelieving face.

"You honestly think that I don't trust you, that I don't love you?" His voice and expression were soft now. His grey eyes burning into mine.

"That's the only explanation." I mumbled.

"Bella Clancy, I love you more than you can ever imagine. The fact that you have my last name is proof. The reason I didn't tell you was because I thought you didn't want to here about my past. That it made you upset."

I blinked, that was it? This was all just miscommunication? My arms were around his neck in half a second and my lips welded to his. He jumped slightly, surprised, but then he gave a heady exhale and pulled my hips closer to him. He tried to adjust and tripped on something, sending us staggering back into his car. His back hit rather harshly, breaking our lips. If it hurt, he gave no sign and the seperation of our mouths just drove him to kiss alone my cheekbone to my temple.

I didn't like the cold air against my tender lips, one of my hand locked in his hair and drew his mouth back to mine. I breathed him in, he smelled like clean sheets. I hummed into his mouth, content as he grabbed one of my thighs and hitched it around his hip. He breathed sweet nothings into the side of my face and I continously ran my hand down his chest. He fumbled with the door handle, moving us slightly so he could pull the door open and then fell into the passenger seat. I growled playfully and straddled him.

He looked into my eyes as I traced his lips with my finger.

"You're so beautiful." His voice was husky, and full of longing. I leaned down to him.

"Hmmmmm." I inhaled his scent, my nose running along his jawline.

His hand clenched on my hips as he groaned, leaning back against the center console.

My breathing was heavy and made puffs into the cold air, but I was hot all over," So, what did you come to tell me again? I'm glad we made up, but curiosity." It all came out in a long exhale while I explored his chest. I loved his chest.

He stiffened, and I looked up to see his expression had switched from full of lust to anguish.

"Layla." He choked, "We have to go see Layla. She's hurt. She got in a car crash, just like you. Coma-" he broke off, unable to continue.

It felt like all the breath was knocked out of it," No!" I cried, jumping off of him. He moved around me and darted to the drivers side. I didn't even think of my seatbelt as we sped off.

Layla, this was so like mine, except I was old enough to get a spine transplant just after Hunter and I split up, after Layla left becaue I hit her. I regret doing that more than anything in my life. My baby, my poor baby.

I had to ask, had to know," Is there anything seriously wrong with her?" The question came out strangled and warped by the despair clenching my throat.

"No. They just don't know why she's not waking up, or if she ever will."

All in that one sentence I was relieved and then sent back into being horrified.

When we got to the hospital, I felt like we were moving too slow. All the security system doors blocked me from my little girl. We finally reached the door and I burst in. I was already halfway sobbing and when I saw her in the hospital bed, I broke down. I wailed like when I thought Hunter was dead.

Karsen and Bradley and a girl I had never seen where there as well, but I was too far gone to even think of being embarrassed about the way I as crying.

"Layla, Mommy's here. Try baby, please try. Wake up for me, for us. We're all waiting for you to wake up, baby."

And under my hand, Layla's finger twitched. I beamed a smile," Thats it baby, you come back to us. We'll be waiting."

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