Layla- Breifly

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Picture of Tony to the side... Kellan Lutz

My breathing was coming fast as I stared at the large gray building before me. The Indianapolis jail. Why was I here?

Well, I knew the reason why. To visit Tony. I didn't understand why I was visiting him. I just felt compelled to see if he had the littelest amount of guilt, regret.

I stepped in, the cool air hitting me and making me shiver. I walked down a long corrider, it was quite welcoming despite the silence. There was a lounge and I went to one of the people at the font. She glanced up and surprise flickered in her eyes. Probably wasn't used to seeing someone my age here.

"I'm here to see Tony Macklive." I spoke quietly, but she heard. She looked into the files and gave me a soft look.

"Ok, honey. Go right in, he'll be there in a second. She pushed a button and the door to the right made a loud buzzing noise, I heard locks clicking.

I wrenched open the heavy door, my arm straining. It was even colder in there, I tugged my jacket sleeves down and zipped it up.

"Here for visiting?" I guard to my left asked, looking me over. I nodded shyly and he led me down the hallway and typed in a passcode to another large solid door with a sign over that said. 'Prison Wards'.

He went down a couple more corridors and opened a final door to a large spacious room with mutiple tables.

It seemed like the cafeteria, prisoners were eating and all looked up with interest as I walked in. There were a couple mutters, I ignored them. My sites were set on him.

Tony, my heart fluttered. He had always stood with an heir of confidence, but now he sat with his shoulders slumped. Head down, he looked entirely and completely defeated. The guard nudged me, I partially focused on him.

"You have 30 minutes. If the person you're looking for isn't here, then they're in solitary confinement."

I didn't even look at him," Oh, he's here." I murmured and started forward, the door clanging shut behind me as the guard closed it.

He didn't notice me. I hesitated, before determination rushed through me. He was my boyfriend for years. I could at least visit him. I refused to toss him to the side like a doll that I had grown too old for.

"Tony." I said, and his head jerked up. His brown eyes pierced me.

"L-Layla?" He stuttered, shock crossing his face.

I sat across from him," Hi Tony." I whispered, a little meak from his intense gaze locked on my face.

After a moment he hardened his features and tilted his head back down. He looked thin and the food in front of him lay untouched.

"Aren't you going to eat?" I asked.

He remained silent.

"I came to visit you."


"Things are bad, Tony. They're real bad."


"I-I get bullied alot. The other day Danny posted a video of me on YouTube and called me a slut."

His eyebrows drew together, but he still didn't speak.

I stared at the table as well, growing quiet. It was awkward, but it felt heavy as if we had so much to say, but we weren't saying anything.

"Thirty minutes is up, Miss."The guard said.

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