Bradley- Showing some

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Layla smiled, she looked heavenly.

She was wearing a lacy black dress that was fitted at the top and flared out from above her waist and ended at right above her knees.

She was wearing some sparky black flats and a little black hat. Her light brown hair flowed down in little waves around her, and her bright green eyes shone in contrast to all the dark colors.

I was surprised she was smiling, she hadn't smiled since the news 4 days ago.

The news that Macy had killed herself.

"What's that grin for?"I asked, taking her arm and looping it through mine. I was dressed in my black tux, with a plain black tie.

Her eyes watered, glistening,"It's the only thing I can do to keep myself from crying." She answered, her voice wavering.

"Are you sure you want to come? The showing isn't a required thing. You could just come to the funeral."

She shook her head,"I'm coming. And that's final."

I sighed, but didn't argue as I opened the passenger door and let her climb in.

I got in on my side and started the car. I turned to look at her, she was wiping under her eyes and her breaths were coming in little pants.

"Layla." I said and she looked at me, her eyes were welling up and she blinked multiple times, swallowing.

"Yeah?" She replied, her voice sounding strangled.

"I know what you're thinking Layla. Don't listen to those kids at school. It's not your fault that she....did this."

That was all it took, she began to sob. Her face contorting as she let out a choked anguished sound. She brung a shaking hand up to cover her face as she quaked with sorrow.

I leaned over and pulled her to me. Her arms came up around my neck, and my hands went flat against her back, firmly pressing her to me.

"B-but, I said those m-mean...things to her, and th-threatened her. Maybe that made h-her it." She cried, shaking harder as her sobs increased.

"Shhh, Layla. It's not your fault. She had....mental problems. And she said all those mean things to you. I honestly don't think this is your fault at all." I soothed, rubbing her back.

She pulled away slightly so she could look into my eyes. Hers were such a bright green and shining.

"R-Really?" She hiccuped.

I smiled softly,"Really." I assured.

She buried her face back into my neck, still slightly crying and I brushed her hair back and made cooing noises.

"And, I know that no one can replace Clancy, but I think you should know that you're like a little sister to me, and you can come to me about anything."

I felt her lips curl up against my skin,"Thank you, Bradley. I feel the same way about you, and that means you can also come to me."

"I'll be sure to take you up on that offer. Now, shall we go?" I asked, taking her arms from around me, but keeping her hand in mine.

She nodded and I pulled my hand away for a moment to start the car, before taking it again. I shifted, interlacing out fingers. Her hand was tiny and her fingers slim. My palm almost swallowed hers.

When we arrived, I helped her out if the car, keeping my arm around her waist in comfort and she smiled gratefully at me.

"Don't let me go?" She asked.

I smirked, noticing the person in front of the funeral home,"I think someone else will be there to hold you." I jerked my chin in the direction of the figure.

"Tony?"She breathed, before running to him.

His arms easily wrapped around her back and pulled her up off her feet. She ran her hands over his shoulders and he seemed to be whispering something in his ear.

I noticed a small figure behind him, Julie.

"Julie." I greeted, going to her side. She looked gorgeous in a long black dress that ended at her feet and had a flared shoulder. It hugged all her nice curves.

He blinked her wide black eyes at me, one of them being partly obscured by fishnet that swooped down from her hat.

"Bradley." She responded with a smile, flashing her ultra white teeth against her Carmel skin. God she was gorgeous. Less conservative and more bold than Layla, but still beautiful.

And I decided to tell her just that.

"You look stunning, amazing, beautiful." I took her hand and kissed it. She blushed, it showed faintly on her perfect completion.

"Thank you, you look dashing yourself." She complimented.

"Sit next to me? I think Layla and Tony will be with us as well." I nodded to the pair who were standing close, heads bent together. He was looking down at her with pure adoration.

"Are they back together yet?" Julie asked, interrupting my observation I took one final look before turning my attention back to Julie.

I pondered it, glancing over at them again before slowly shaking my head,"No... I think she is still a little wary, since Karsen." I answered thoughtfully.

"Hmm, well you can tell he loves her. I just hope Karsen doesn't screw this up." She mused as I begin to lead her inside.

My eyebrows drew together as I looked at her,"Karsen? Why would Karsen ruin it?"

She sighed and sat down, I follow, sitting so we're angled towards each other as she leans in close.

"Karsen told me he wants Layla back, and he will do anything to get her."

I groaned,"That's wonderful. Layla doesn't need any more drama in her life. I'm worried about her, I don't want her to be pressured into any hard decisions right now." I looked over my shoulder to see her entering with Tony. He said something and a wide genuine smile crossed her face as she laughed.

I looked away for just a moment and suddenly she was by my side. She grabbed my arm, nails digging into my skin.

"What is she doing here!" She exclaimed in a whisper.

"Who?" I winced as her nails sunk deeper.

"My mother!" She pointed across the room. I followed her finger to Mrs. Clancy. She was dressed in a short elegant black dress and her face was lined with black make up. She held a wine glass in her hand from the beverages table and was leaning towards another tall man.

"Who is that?"I asked, eyes locked on the man. As they talked, he brushed his hand up her arm, fingers lingering. She smiled and her blue eyes sparked with mischief.

"I don't know. But they know each other obviously."

Mrs.Clancy laughed and ran a finger nail down the man's chest, looking up through her eye lashed promiscuously.

"Oh my God, Layla. Your Mom's still got it." Julie whispered and I couldn't help from chuckle, earning a glare from Layla.

"Isn't that cheating?" Tony suggested, wrapping his arm comfortingly around her waist.

She bristled as her eyes were glued to her mother,"No, because they aren't together, but I can't believe she would do this! I thought she loved my Dad."

I tried to reassure her,"Maybe their just....friends."

"Ummm, I don't think so, Bradley." Julie said looking shocked, which redirected my gaze back to the two adults and I almost gasped at what I saw.

People were watching disapprovingly as well.

Because Mrs. Clancy was now pushed up against a wall and feverishly making out with the man.

"That whore!" Layla growled and enforce I could protest she was stalking over to them.

"This is gonna be interesting." Tony muttered before going to follow her.

Uh oh.

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