Layla- Accepting

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Tony dropped small kisses to the back of my neck as we stood. I sighed, snuggling my back more firmly into his chest.

We were at a small restaurant, waiting for a seat to open up so we could sit. It was a date that Gertrude and I had planned behind the boy's back. I meant to send her a smile, but then Tony's arms tightened around my waist and jerked my farther towards him. His lips on my neck stopped and I glanced up to see him glaring at something. I followed his gaze to a waiter, he had choppy blond hair and bright blue eyes.

I tried to think of a word for him. Attractive. It sounded wrong to associate anyone with that word except Tony.

"Stop it." I whispered at Tony, as he continued to glare at the waiter without a disruption. At my soft scolding he looked down into my eyes. Oh, his brown eyes. I loved them.

"He was staring at you, checking you out. I didn't like it." He said softly. Even his tone wasn't angry, he never had an angry tone at me.

I kissed his jaw," Tony, your arms are around me. How could I be any more obvious that I'm with you?" I asked, already knowing his answer.

"You could wear my ring." He said.

I sighed. Two weeks ago when I found him at the road. I told him I wasn't ready to tell everyone yet. He promised he was ok with it.

"Tony." I said.

A smile twitched at his lips," I will get that ring on your finger. Be ready for it." He replied.

We kissed briefly. And I heard a gag behind us. I shifted in Tony's arms to see Karsen, finger playfully in his mouth as he made a mocking face of disgust.

"You really gotta do that in a public place?" He teased, once he realized he had captured my attention. I stuck my tongue out at him. He and Gertrude had claimed the last seats in the waiting hall, and they were firmly together. His arm around her waist. Her dainty hand on his knee.

I hadn't minded. If we had sat, Tony would insist I sit in his lap. Which was awkward for me in public. He was all for public affection.

I was sure half of the town knew we were back together already. And a lot of people weren't happy about it. Including my father. Dad severely disliked Tony. I had confronted him about it, and we had come to an agreement. He didn't like it, but he wouldn't interfere. My mom was happy, she said she could tell something was different about Tony.

The whole Macy thing had fazed over. Tony came back to school. I was very surprised, he had dropped out Junior year. But with a little persuading I had got him to come back as a Senior and graduate. I think he mostly did it because he didn't like the boys at my school. Oh, he made it very clear to everyone that we were together. Carrying my books, sometimes me, to class. His arm was always around me, he was always touching me in some way, shape, or form.

And it didn't bother me. I loved him so much that I didn't care how much we were together. He had become my best friend.

Yeah we had little cat fights about how he wanted me to wear his ring, but he never so much as got a bad tone with me. And I couldn't ever imagine being scared of him.

I looked at my watch," Where are Julie and Bradley?" I asked.

They were always late. It seemed they spent more time together than Tony and I. We were neck and neck. I'm sure Tony and I won, but you could hardly tell.

Of course, they were always making out for some reason. That's probably why they were late.

Finally a pretty woman took us to our booth and gave us our menu's. Tony rested his head on  mine, his arm coiling around my waist and scooting me until there was no space between us. I looked at the menu as he kissed my temple.

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