Layla- Forced

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Danny to the side

When the alarm went off I didn't want to get up. I felt like I didn't have anything to really get up for.

Then I heard my Mom, she was shuffling around and she came into my room. Her eyes were red from crying and she plastered on the best fake smile I had seen.

"Time to go to school, honey." Her voice was rough and it didn't help my morose state but I unwillingly got up and nodded.

I didn't want to make things worse. I would do this for my mom.

I pulled on a pair of bright pink skinny jeans and a baggy tank top with golden skulls and a blue thin strap tank underneath that.

I smeared make up on the redness around my eyes and fixed myself. Slowly slowly I started to look like a normal human being. My hair was smooth and glossy and you could never notice I had been sobbing all night.

I started on my smile. My lips shook as I forcefully pulled them up.

I groaned and smashed my hand against the mirror. Then I tried the smile again. After a few minutes it stayed on my face without much force and I made my way down stairs.

"Bye, Mom." I said and looked over. She had a bottle of tequila and her forehead was on the counter.

"Hey, Bradley." I grinned that painful grin as I sat down and he pulled me into a hug.

"Hey, LayLay." He greeted, ruffling my hair. I instantly straightened it back out.

"How was your night?" He asked politely, but I could tell he wanted to tell me something. He was practically bouncing in his seat.

Horrible, I thought, but didn't let my smile waver.

"Boring, yours?"

"It was SO weird!!!" He exploded eagerly. When I laughed it sounded like I was being strangled but he didn't notice.

"How so?"

"Ok so like around nine o' clock my dad came down and told us that his brother was coming to stay with us for a while. Then even he came my mom was all sympathetic and teary and my dad acted like this guy was a miracle. I didn't even know I had an uncle!!"

I nodded, glad to be distracted from my troubles for at least a little while.

"So how was he?" I mused.

"He was really cool actually, got along with my little sister. And taught me how to make a nickel disappear."

This time my giggle was sincere,"My dad knows how to do that too!" When I spoke of him my giggles stopped and I was distraught again.

"Yeah, I just don't understand why we've never met him before."

I shrugged,"Maybe there were family complications."

He nodded, staring into space,"Sure."

I left him with his thoughts and began focusing on what Mr. Paternoga was taking about.

"Danny!" I cried as she sprinted towards me across the cafeteria. She launched herself over the table and landed in a bundle of limbs on my lap.

She gave me a big grin and her black eyes shone.

"LayLay!" She exclaimed right back wrapping her twigs arms around me in a hug.

As I stared at her I realized all the anger at what she had done to me was gone. I had really forgiven her.

After the hug was over she slid into the seat next to me. Karsen sat next to her, slinging an arm over her frail shoulders.

I wanted to gag. Prick.

He sent me a mocking smirk. I smiled sweetly and pointed at Danny and then my mouth. The smirk fell off his face replaced with a scowl.


"Bradley!" I shouted as two arms lifted me up off the ground and twirled me around. I heard him laughing and I banged his arms.

He finally set me down and kissed me on the cheek.

"Hey, you." Bradley teased, pinching my cheek.

I patted his hair which was disheveled as always.

"Hey to you too."

I looked over to see a big nefarious grin on Danny's face as she waggled her eyebrows suggestively and swiveled her eyes back and forth between Bradley and I while making a heart with her fingers under the table.

"Danny!" I scolded and she just giggled, leaning back into Karsen's chest. Speaking of Karsen, he looked furious.

"Who peed on your cornpuffs?" I asked at his tight expression. He just muttered something incoherent and turned back to his food.

Horse-headed fool.

I heard approaching footsteps and looked up to see a gorgeous girl walking towards us. My mouth dried with jealousy.

She had long black hair that held big curls I wanted. She was tall and curvy and walked flawlessly in her huge but super cute heels. She had perfect skin and almost electric blue eyes.

I looked over to Bradley to see him staring with a wide open mouth and I chuckled.

Who was this girl?

She made it to our table and looked down at Karsen who was stuck staring at his phone chewing his pizza.

Her lashes were so long!!

Danny looked furious, probably because she was watching Karsen with a lustful gaze.

"Karsen." She said in a low voice with a slightly Hispanic accent. Explained the darkish skin.

His eyes snapped up immediately. And he blinked in disbelief.


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