Layla- Surprises

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I was rushing down the street, to Bradley's. He apparently was the only friend I could trust.

When I got to his door, I knocked hesitantly.

I could hear footsteps pound down the stairs and Bradley opened the door. His grey eyes lit up when he saw me and he gestured for me to come in.

I smiled a little and followed him to the living room.

"Layla! What gives me the grace if your prescence?" He asked.

I shook my head,"I left the house, my mom has gone coo coo crazy and so has Danny apparently. I just need to be distracted right now."

What I really needed was Tony. I missed going to him and telling him my problems and getting his straight truthful feelings about the situation.

And then we would just lie in his cell, sometimes he would hold me and we would point out things we thought the cracks in the ceiling of the cell looked like.

It was against the rules to be physical, but since I had become friends with the guard we didn't get in trouble.

I.. Missed him.

If you had told me three months ago that I would miss Tony, I would call you insane.

But it seemed the old Tony was back.

I just didn't know if the new Layla would stay, or the old one.

The new one was timid and would go for someone like Karsen and let him be dominant, take care of me. Which was not a bad thing.

The old Layla was fierce, would never let Tony be in charge. Would take care of herself and say what she felt when she wanted to.

I was so confused and leaned my head on Bradley's shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me and stayed silent, seeming to understand I wanted time to think.

"Umm, Layla. I think now might be the time to tell you that my gir-" he was cut off by a loud shout.

"WHAT IS THAT WHORE DOING HERE!??" A loud high pitched voice screeched.

I looked in the direction it came from and saw a tall blond at the top of the stairs.

"Mellissa don't call her that." Bradley sighed and Mellissa stomped down the stairs and got up in my face.

"What do you think you're doing skanking up with my man!?" She growled.

'Skanking up'??

I burst out laughing, my head threw back as I roared whole body shaking.

"You think this is funny!?" Mellissa shrilled, voice going up into high octaves.

Her face turned radish red, and that only made me laugh harder, tears streaming down.

Then there was a loud SMACK and my cheek was on fire.

Mellissa stood above me, breathing heavy. Hand still tilted towards me, palm tuning red.

That was it.

I was sick and tired of being pushed around and hit.

I stood up, shoving Mellissa. I had to look up to glare at her.

"Did you just hit me?" I snapped, she looked a little nervous but her voice was filled with venom.

"You're a whore, and you're not getting my man."

I lunged at her, but was held back by two firm arms so that my fingernails just barely scraped her cheek. Leaving three pink lines.

"Mellissa, leave. You have no right to treat my friends like that."

I was still struggling to get out of his arms when someone else appeared at the stairs.

I froze.

It was my dad.

"Oh Hunter, please help hold her so I can get my EX- girlfriend out."

He saw me and stiffened as well. He opened his mouth and closed it.

"'s not what it looks like."

"Dad? Why are you here? Mom has gone crazy, and you left me with her!"

Bradley just now seemed to be catching up,"My uncle is your dad? That makes us cousins."

"Not by blood. Layla is adopted." My dad explained, eyes still locked on mine.

"I can't believe you." I whispered, and then rushed out of the house.

I was crying, even though I didn't really have a reason.

Without knowing it, I wound up at the jail. I rushed in and went to the front.

"Layla! Why are you here?" The secretary said kindly.

I furrowed my eyebrows,"To see Tony."

She frowned slightly.

"What?" I asked cautiously.

"Honey, Tony was discharged three days ago."

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