Chapter 3

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Spring Reveals All

Chapter 3

A/N: Hey guys! Thanks for reading my story! It means a lot to me! Sorry for the long wait! School is a witch with a capital B. -.-

Ready for the next instalment of Spring Reveals All? Here we go!

*** Tory's POV ***

I woke up feeling normal. Ignorance is bliss. Just for five minutes thinking you are just a girl.

And then cue all that unneeded information overwhelming my peaceful mind. Oh great. Who else is going to be competing for me today? Deep breaths Tory, deep breaths. Losing control of your body isn't that scary! Sarcasm. I'm gonna cry. *sniffle*

I'm kidding! Sheesh, you should know me better by now...

Dreading school, I got up and did all the meaningless things that made me presentable to the world. At least I could eat breakfast today.

----- Downstairs -----

The blonde bimbo was making breakfast. Why does she make such damn good breakfast? It's her fault I feel so conflicted all the time.

"Hey honey! Here have some pancakes!" She gives me a smallish helping of the previously mentioned food. I'm not a freakin' mouse Whitney!

"Thanks." See? I manage to be civil.

Sitting down, I savour my breakfast. A small breakfast is better than no breakfast.

----- At the Ferry -----

*** Ben's POV ***

I'm nervous. Who wouldn't be? I, for one, like being in control of my actions. Hormones are so annoying sometimes.

After thinking about all this mate stuff last night I had come to a conclusion about why I...maybe sorta liked being that close to Tory. I had noticed something that I had never seen before.

Tory was pretty. In a natural sense, not like the tripod.

This led me to thinking about why I had only just noticed this fact. I mean, I've known her for about one and a half years give or take. You would think I would have seen this before, right?

Wrong. I had to get so close we were breathing the same air.

I then realised that I liked being close to her, closer than friends of opposite genders have any right to be.

My mind had then brought up the idea that...I liked maybe even loved Tory. It was possible right?

I was broken out of my reverie when someone sat next to me. I could smell the faint scent that was Tory's shampoo. It was fruity, for lack of a better word.

Then I realised. Tory was sitting next to me. Right next to me. My body was starting to react to her presence. I looked towards her of my own free will. She was looking right back at me with temporarily innocent eyes. She looked as drawn to me as I was to her.

...Was that just the hormones talking? I don't even know anymore. Her eyes flicked to my lips then back to meet my stare. I'm not sure I care anymore either. She was not making this any easier to resist.

I subconsciously wet my lips. We leaned in...barely any space between us...noses touching...

BAM! Hi had made his entrance by jumping onto the boat therefore startling us back to our senses. I cleared my throat uncomfortably. Tory looked away blushing. She looked so cute when she blushed...

I was all of a sudden staring at Shelton's cheerful face rather that Tory's. I let out an honest to God growl. I clamped a hand over my mouth mortified. Hi and Shelton were laughing their butts off. Morons.

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