Chapter 4

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Spring Reveals All

Chapter 4

A/N: Hey guys!!!!!! I'm Baaaack! (sorry I took so long, school transforms me into a zombie -.-)

When I was on holiday, I spent all my money on books! :D

I'm broke now...hehe...



His face went from neutral to livid in a heartbeat.

Then he ran. Straight towards us.

*** Tory's POV ***


"Ben! Come on, you don't want to do this...Ben...BEN!" He grabbed me roughly by the shoulders and tore me away from Chance. He wasn't listening to me.

"Mine!" He muttered with conviction.

"'re hurting me...ow..." I moaned in pain. That boy has a damn strong grip.

He released me as if I was burning hot, looking me over with concern.

That is until Chance refocused Ben's attention on him with an irritated snarl.

Ben immediately stepped towards him. I saw Chance do the same. They began circling each other, growling and huffing.

A fight was imminent.

Now being the responsible girl that I was, I was not gonna just let them attack each other...

...Without getting Hi and Shelton involved as well!!

I gave them a push in the right direction. "Come on! Get involved! Distract them before they kill each other!"

Hi fell right into the middle of the 'circle' they had established. Oops. Forgot I was still flaring...hehe...

Grumbling, Hi got up. He was in the middle of dusting himself off when he realised exactly where he'd landed.

He froze. Turning his head to me, he mouthed , "Help me!"

Chance and Ben both had comical expressions of confusion on their faces. Well at least they were successfully distracted!

"Hi!" I whisper yelled, "It's working! Keep distracting them!"

"With what?" He replied at the same volume.

"I don't know! Think of something!"

Hi looked like he was deep in thought. I wish I had a camera; these moments are rare. His face brightened suddenly.

Then he started doing...the Macarena?!

Ben and Chance cocked their heads to the side. They were acting like curious puppies! Aaaaww! I really wish I had my camera.

Ben tentatively trotted forward. He sniffed Hi but had to jump back to avoid getting hit by him as he danced.

It was such a comical sight that I had to stifle a giggle. I heard a muffled laugh from my left too. It was Shelton. I didn't realise he had come back. I was pretty sure I'd flung him across the courtyard.

...By accident of course.


My flare's gone. Yes! This means I have control over my body! I relax, relieved.

Turning my head back to the scene in front of me, I had to muffle another laugh as I saw that both boys were now curiously sniffing and poking Hi. They were so going to hear about this later. *insert cheeky grin*

Spring Reveals All (a virals fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant