Chapter 6

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Spring Reveals All

Chapter 6

A/N: A few Ben POV's and a Chance POV coming up! Mostly Tory's POV though!!

On with the story!!!

*** Tory's POV ***

Oh great. Freakin' fantabulous. Yes I just made a new word. Deal with it.

How on earth was I meant to explain the fact that I was with Chance all day? And was, dare I say it, enjoying myself?

Where was Kit when you needed him to interrupt?

The virals were still looking at me expectantly. Even Coop. Traitor.

The silence was stretching on for too long. I was digging a deeper hole for myself.

Might as well get it out there.

"I was spending the day with Chance seeing as you bozos were busy."

"..." Then- "WHAT?!" Identical incredulous looks accompanied the outburst.

"Since when were you and Chance so buddy-buddy?" Shelton.

"Wha- How- The fu-" Hi.

"..." Ben. My gaze lingered on Ben. I'm not sure why. I somehow was more interested in his reaction than the others.

Right now he seemed gobsmacked. If he could unhinge his jaw so it dropped to the floor, then I'm sure he would be doing that right now.

He shook his head in disbelief.

Then an emotion I couldn't decipher crossed his features. Though I could see some form of anger and hurt somewhere in the mix.

Before I could ask him, he stormed out of the living room. And slammed the front door.

*** Ben's POV ***

Why was I so angry? Tory was her own person. She could decide who she went on dates with.

Then why was it that when I pictured Tory and Chance together, my chest ached? Like my heart was being twisted. Sure I thought there was a possibility that I liked Tory but it could also just be the stupid mate thing.

Arggghhh! This sucks.

And now that I think about it the others will be wanting to know why I left in a hurry.

Correction. This double sucks.

I sighed. I still feel all mixed up. I think I'll go for a walk to clear my head then go home. I don't want to face them now.

I start walking towards the beach, trying but failing to understand my emotions.

-Monday Morning at Tory's house-

*** Tory's POV ***

I hate mornings. If you hadn't already guessed.

On Saturday, we waited to see if Ben would come back. After 5 minutes Hi and Shelton ditched me. Ben didn't come in the end.

You know what? I don't get boys. Whoever said girls were complicated is sadly mistaken. I mean, Ben just got angry for no apparent reason! And I have no clue what to do about it.

Ugh stupid Ben giving me confusing thoughts on a Monday.

Hang on...Monday?!

Oh shoot shoot shootshootshoot!! I need to go to school!

-Half an Hour Later-

Phew! I made it. With approximately two minutes to spare before the boat leaves.

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