Chapter 9

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Spring Reveals All

Chapter 9

A/N: Heeeeyyyyy!!!! :D

I'm sure you were wondering what I meant by saying 'Tory acts like a dog' last chapter... Well you'll just have to see won't you!! XD

***Ben's POV***

The weekend of our first date loomed. I couldn't wait! A whole day with Tor! I've missed her so much the past few days...

She hadn't been to school for the whole week as she was still recovering from the 'flu'.

And it was agony.

Kit had shooed me away the day after I had stayed with her, telling me that she was well enough to not need anyone with her and that I had no reason to stay off school.

It sucked.

We now definitely knew that this bond thing was true. I had been moping about all week with an unbearable ache in my chest. It was a great relief when school ended and I could visit Tory. My girlfriend.

My chest still leaped when I said that. I could hardly believe that she was mine. Not Jason's. Not Chance's. Mine alone.

It was now Friday (finally) and I was having lunch in the library with Hi and Shelton. Well, I say having lunch. I couldn't eat anything. I found that if I tried, the food felt like cotton in my mouth and tasted of nothing. Though when I went to see Tory my appetite miraculously returned and I ended up eating them out of house and home.

Tory said it was adorable but I don't think Kit was very pleased when he had to shop for more...

I sighed. This bond thing was really tiring.

"Stop your pining Ben! You're making me depressed and unlike you, I can't pull off depressed!" Hi complained.

I sighed even louder to annoy him.

"How do you sleep at night if you can't even eat without Tor?" Shelton asked, exasperated.

"I don't." And with that bombshell, the bell rang and I left my friends trying to decipher what I had just told them.

***Tory's POV***

I looked at the clock for the millionth time in the past hour. School had just finished and I was counting down the minutes until I could finally see Ben again.

And Hi and Shelton of course. Pfft. Thought I'd forgotten them didn't you?

I was still forbidden to leave my bed (Kit's orders) unless absolutely necessary. I felt fine though!

Well, apart from this empty, hollow feeling in my chest. I guessed that that was the bond's fault as it disappeared when Ben was around.

I was also extremely bored.

Pondering my existence for a week got old very quickly believe you me.

I wish that I felt hungry just to have something purposeful to do but I also found that food was very unappetising without Ben there to share it with.

I hoped it wouldn't always be like this, 'cause if one of us happened to go on holiday half way around the world for three weeks, I have a feeling we'd be screwed if we couldn't eat or sleep.

Such happy thoughts.

Well, it's going to take them a while to get here. Might as well entertain myself.

I know Kit said to only get out of bed if it's completely necessary but... I think snatching the IPad from downstairs is a good cause.

He doesn't want me to die of boredom now does he?

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