Chapter 7

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Spring Reveals All

Chapter 7

A/N: I'm evil. >:) Hehe... For leaving that cliff hanger!! Wasn't really my fault though seeing as I had no internet for like a month :/

It was torture to say the least. :')

Anyway, this chapter will definitely be interesting!! *wink wink* *nudge nudge* ;)

And a warning: Some hot-ish stuff happening in this chapter though NO SEX. Okay? They are minors after all... Prepare yourself for many bad innuendos and some probably badly written lightish smut...


Ben gave the spot one last lick before biting down. Hard.

I cried out in pain. I felt warm liquid trickle down my shoulder. His tongue lapped it up.

I whimpered.

That's when everything became distorted.

My vision swam. I didn't know which way was up and which was the ground. I stumbled around on wobbly legs. I coughed uncontrollably.

I eventually collapsed to the ground. The last thing I saw before blacking out was Ben yelling my name.

*** Ben's POV ***


What had I done?

I held Tory's shivering form in my arms.

What's wrong with me?

I lost all control when I saw Chance kiss her. My mind was pushed away and instead my wolf self was speaking in actions for me. I had felt such an overwhelming need to mark Tory as mine alone so Chance and Jason would stay away.

I couldn't bear to see her with them.

I didn't understand what this bite meant, but I could see that something has changed. Something big.

Tory looked so helpless in my arms. I felt her forehead only to flinch away.

She was burning up!

I picked her up and practically sprinted to the bunker. I wasn't thinking straight otherwise I would have been more careful with her fragile form. I gently laid her down on the couch before pulling out my phone and calling Shelton and Hi to get the hell down here.

An unsettling wave of despair washed over me. I felt like I couldn't live with myself if Tory never woke up. I couldn't survive without her. I needed her.

A panting Hi and Shelton appeared in the doorway.

They took one look at Tory before narrowing their eyes at me.

"Ben... What the fudge did you do to her?!"

"I-I don't know! I just lost control! I never meant to hurt her..." My voice cracked and I was shocked when I found that my cheeks were wet. I hadn't realised that I was crying. I was a wreck.

Shelton gave me a surprised but sympathetic glance. "Don't worry, man. She'll be fine. It can't be that bad." He then sat next to Tory and began to check her over. I had to try incredibly hard to not growl at him. I was seriously not right in the head. It's just Shelton for Pete's sake!

He felt her forehead but like me he flinched away. "She's got a really high fever!" He looked worried. "Ben, I think we should take her back to her house. We might make it worse by keeping her here." I reluctantly complied. I fought down the urge to keep her away from all the guys in the vicinity. Even if said guys were Hi and Shelton.

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