Chapter 8

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Spring Reveals All

Chapter 8

A/N: Hey fellow virals fans!!! XP

I think that the story will sadly end in the next few chapters... :'(

But to be fair it can't go on forever right? That would be boring!

Plus, I'm running low on what else I could make them do...they're already on third base or something for cryin' out loud!! XD

By the way I'm going to just post the full story and will probably edit it more later! ;)


*** Tory's POV ***

My mind was having a freakin' civil war.

Do I want to be more than friends?

Do I want to forget this even happened?

Do I want to be friends with benefits?

... Forget that last one. My mum taught me better.

Well... I certainly don't want to forget this –if that's even possible- but I'm not sure we should plunge headfirst into the strange, unpredictable world of dating either.

I've seen the movies. And read the books. And I may have looked up tips on getting boyfriends on wiki. Once. Maybe twice.

... Don't judge me!

I turn to look at Ben. He's still waiting...He can wait a bit longer.

Every time I look at him I feel complete in a weird cheesy way. It's just the truth. And I never noticed it before. It may have been there at the back of my mind all this time. Maybe I just never saw it.

I can't ignore that feeling now in any case.

Maybe one casual date wouldn't be a bad idea? Just to see how things go.

Okay. It's decided.

"Ben." He looked up. "I think we should... I wouldn't be a terrible idea to...go on a date?" Brain and mouth not linked. I hate it when that happens.

Ben's face was blank for a second as this latest piece of info sank in before lighting up like a child on Christmas.

To be frank, it was equal parts disturbing and adorable. Hmmm...More adorable than disturbing.

I then had all the air in my lungs crushed out by Ben as he hugged me. He was swinging me round like a rag doll.

"Ben- Can't- Breathe-"

"Oh sorry!" He flushed in embarrassment. "I'm just kinda happy." That was the understatement of the century.

I smiled though. Despite being nearly suffocated before our relationship even started I thought we were doing quite well. Though I can't promise that one of us wouldn't end up being pushed off the pier before the end of the week.

Yes, we are immature like that.

"You know what? I'm hungry now. Let's go eat!" I grabbed his hand and proceeded to drag him down the stairs to the kitchen.

...Well that's what would have happened if I hadn't done a Bambi and collapsed before leaving my bedroom door. Luckily Ben caught me and did not get dragged down with me. I would've been a Tory pancake, put in simple terms.

He guided me over to my bed and helped me under the covers. I blushed when I remembered what we had been doing just a few minutes ago. Ben looked everywhere but me.

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