Chapter Two - Forgive and Forget

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Chapter Two

I woke up in a hospital room with no awareness of how much time had passed and quite a few drips and tubes attatched to me, was the fall really that bad? I then realised I wasn't the only one there. Max, (from the team) Lucy, Britney, (Rachels sister) and Zack where sat on various seats around the room.

"Guys, how did you know? wha-"  

Zack cut me off "Rachel and I called them over, thought you might need some support. And I called your parents, they told me to pass on their love but they can't visit." They are always busy anyway and that message was probably just from mom too.

"Yeah, thanks Zack. Thanks for coming everyone." Then I remembered that I was angry with him. "Zack, how can you be dating her?" When I said that, I had realised that Rachel wasn't even in the room! Why wasn't she there?

"I er, think we can discuss this later." He looked around at everyone awkwardly, "The doctors say you shouldn't get your heartrate up, you need to rest."

"Yeah, I gotta leave now anyway, hope you get better soon though Brad." Max said sensing the tension.

"Yeah, get well soon Brad." Everyone else said and one by one, they all left.

Finally, Zack got up too. "Brad, I will come back later, just rest and I will explain it all soon." What was that supposed to mean? I was about to ask but he had already made his way out.

I decided to take Zacks advice and close my eyes. No sooner than I did that, the door creaked open, I continued in my bid to sleep. Whoever it was was now stood next to my bed and I was tempted to open my eyes and see who the mystery visitor was but I knew as soon as she spoke. "I am so sorry." It was Rachel, I could tell from her the shakiness in her voice that she had been crying. I wanted to tell her it was ok but it was her fault I was in hospital so I couldn't let her off easily.

I opened my eyes, turned my head to her and said "Whatever." then I turned away and closed my eyes again. I felt a huge weight in my chest and I felt so bad but I had to do it. A few seconds later, the door had closed and she was gone. Just like I thought, she didn't really care. I just lay there with my eyes open after that and thought. What was I doing wrong? Why was Rachel so against the idea of going on a date with me? She didn't even bother to try and get to know me.

It must have been about ten minutes later when again my rest was interrupted, this time by Zack. I wanted answers and he had to give me them.

He walked in slowly. "Want to explain now Zack?"

"Chill Brad we're not together."

I laughed to myself, "Oh so you make a joint effort to get me in hospital and then you dump her thinking I'll feel better?"

He sighed, "No. We weren't together at all."  

I looked at him with the 'you are kidding me' face. "I'm telling you, she must have really not wanted to go out with you because in the parking lot she told me she'd pay me 100 bucks if I went along with being her boyfriend and you know me, I can't refuse easy cash."

I considered this information and based on how well I know my friend and the look on his face as he spoke, I came to the conclusion that he wasn't lying. So the plan wasn't really working. She definitely wasn't interested, yet.

"Ok Zack, I believe you and I forgive you. I just I don't know, I feel like maybe love at first sight does exist. I need her to know that." Zack nodded trying to understand but clearly failing.

"Dude, if you ever need my help with this, just let me know yeah."

"Sure, thanks."

"It's quite funny really, like it's believable that I was dating Rachel."

I thought about it and realised that he was right, besides, he wouldn't do that to me, I've known him long enough. "Yeah, you're a real friend Zack."

He nodded with a smile on his face and walked towards the door, "Look it's late so I'm heading home now and you need to get some sleep, get better soon though Brad and I'm sorry." With that, he left.

Sometime later on, again the door opened. I seriously just wanted to sleep, I didn't even care if my favourite person on the planet walked through that door, I wasn't waking up for a chat. After a few footsteps nearing the bed, a soft hand managed to wrap itself into mine and I knew it had to be Rachels so I squeezed it back gently. Luckily she didn't speak so I could stay resting.

She was going to love me whether she liked it or not and that was the thought that carried me through a peaceful sleep for the rest of the night. 


A/N: Hey guys hope you enjoyed this chapter, a few people have told me to update so there you go! Let me know what you think!

Picture of Brad on the side ----->

Thanks for reading.  

Paula :)

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