Chapter four - All Clear

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Chapter Four

I had hoped that Rachel and I could hang out after school but she had to go and remind me that I had to take a trip back to the hospital for the night so they could check me up and see if I was definitely in the all clear so that kind of killed the idea.

After we exchanged numbers at the end of the day and I couldn't help but text her non-stop.

To Rachel x: Whatcha doing now?

From Rachel x: You asked me that five minutes ago! Just got home anyway, come on Brad don't you have other things to do?

To Rachel x: Not if they don't involve you ;)

From Rachel x: Jeez Brad you really can't help yourself with the flirting can you? Relax and get ready for the hospital, I'm going for a shower see you tomorrow

To Rachel x: Fine enjoy your shower, talk to you tomorrow

I didn't know whether putting a kiss at the end would creep her out so I chose to leave that to her but that was pretty much how the conversation was even as soon as I had left school grounds. I don't know what it was but she had some sort of hold over me already and she'd only just agreed to be my girlfriend.

When I got home, I went straight for my car keys to drive to hospital since I chose to walk home but my mom insisted that she wanted to drive me there because I wasn't safe around cars. I tried to explain that I was run over and not driving but she wasn't having it, she was taking me back to the hospital whether I liked it or not. I didn't mind too much though, I hadn't talked to my mom properly in a while, she always seemed to be out working or socialising with her friends and I figured she would want to catch up in the car ride - not that I was complaining, what can I say, I guess I'm a real mommy's boy when it gets to it.

"So, you had a girl over last night? You know I don't complain but you left the place a real mess. I mean seriously, you had to do it all over the house!?"

Mom was used to my usual ways and I liked how she didn't kill me over it unlike dad, she didn't like the idea of course but she understands why I did it. I was officially off the market though and she would be ecstatic to find out, "No mom that's disgusting, you know I don't bring them home, in fact I don't do that very often! Actually Zack came over and we hung out."

"Good because I know you hate it when I go all strict like your father but it's not really fair that you don't make a relationship from these "encounters" with the girls you meet."

"I know mom, I try but no one ever really makes me want to be with them long term and you know what happened last time I was in a relationship. Anyway I have some good news for you."

Mom smiled, "What is it honey?"

"I actually do have a girlfriend, she's called Rachel and she's amazing."

"I am so happy for you honey, it's about time you moved on and put yourself out there properly, you're so handsome, some lucky girl should be able to call you their boyfriend." She pinched my cheek.

"Aww mom stop, you're being embarrasing, I hope you don't do that in front of her! Anyway, there is something I like about Rachel, I think she's different from the rest."

A smile played across her face as I mentioned her meeting Rachel, and to be honest, I hoped she would. "Oh well I'm happy for you son, are you sure she isn't using you or anything though?"

"Well she wasn't half as interested in me as most girls are, and she is so beautiful and I can go on for hours about how much I like her. I don't know, I can't describe exactly what it is but I do know that I like her so I want to give this a try."

"Well don't go and get yourself hurt again. I am happy for you though, really." She looked at me quite proudly.

"Thanks mom."

"Oh my little Braddy-kins is all matured." She leant over and pinched my cheek again.

"Mom! I thought we stopped this when I was like four!"

"Yeah well a mother's gotta do what a mother's gotta do."

Yup, I had definitely missed the chats I have with my mom, if only she weren't so busy all the time, being in her company is just so easy and laid back.The rest of the journey carried on with us sitting in a comfortable silence, the radio being the only noise until we reached the hospital.

"I'll see you later honey, get yourself a taxi home, I'll be out with my girls." She handed me a 20 dollar bill then I gave her hug and went off to reception.

I was directed to a room identical to the one I woke up in after the accident and the doctors got straight to work. They ran a few tests, took a few blood samples and I just had to hang on for the results. A few hours later they came back and I was in the clear and I just had to carry on taking my pills, no more visits necessary.

I took a taxi home and went upstairs to have a shower. Showers have a good way of calming me down and clearing my mind so if ever I was angry, upset or just overfilled with thoughts, I would just hop into a shower if I could, today however, I just needed a shower and thought about my girl.

After the shower, I lay on my bed thinking. I hadn't actually taken Rachel on a date yet so I had to plan for one and it had to be good, I didn't just want to but I needed to impress her, something inside me just screamed 'you need to have this girl in your life' but I didn't think she was quite ready to really let me in.

I was super tired so I just went to sleep after eating, I decided on asking her out on a date the following day and unless she was busy, she couldn't really say no, afterall I was her boyfriend so everything was going to be fine, hopefully.


A/N: Hey guys, so this is a bit of a filler but it gives you an insight on Brad's feelings and his relationship with his mom. hope you enjoyed it!

Paula :)

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