Chapter Ten - Partners

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Chapter Ten

I woke up in an empty house, knowing that my parents had already left early for work. I wasn't looking forward to going to school. I had done well to avoid both Zack and Rachel for a good couple of weeks and I liked it like that but I was going to have to face my problems eventually, more specifically - Zack. I hadn't spoken to him since the party and I needed to confront him about what was going on, if anything at all.

Thankfully mom had left me a fully cooked breakfast so I didn't need to worry about preparing anything, she must have been in a good mood. I ate it all then had a shower and dressed myself before leaving the house and driving to school.

TJ was the first to greet me when I arrived, I was hoping he would cheer me up but he had my ex on his mind.

"Hey Brad, I know it's been a while since you broke up with Rachel but there are plenty more fish in the sea. Stop moping around!" He said, putting his arm around my shoulder as we walked.

"I'm not, ok. I'm fine." I hoped he would sense my disinterest in the conversation but he just kept going.

"You er gonna talk to Zack, I mean he seems to have had a big part to play in this.

I shrugged. "Yeah I guess."

"Rumour has it, Rachel and Zack are already secretly dating." Yeah I wouldn't put it past her.

I stopped walking as we neared the doors. "Dude can you just stop, I don't want to hear about my ex or my replacement."

"Fine." He held his hands up in surrender, "Technically he's not the replacement because she never liked you in the first pla-"

"TJ I will not hesitate to hit you if you don't shut up now."

He lifted his hands up for the second time, "Sorry man, that was insensitive of me. Come on let's get to class."

Math as usual was boring, Mr Matthews was droning on about trigonometry and my mind was just off in its little world the whole time.

After a really slow morning, it was the lesson before lunch but the class was greeted with an unexpected visitor. Coach Anderson was standing in the doorway looking directly at me. "Sorry to interrupt your lesson Ms Jackson, I have an announcment." Ms Jackson nodded, "Could anyone in the football team come to the field immediately, we have an emergency meeting."

TJ and I exchanged confused glances and left along with a couple of other guys from the team. When we reached the field, everyone was there including the cheer squad and their coach? I wondered what the problem was.

Coach Anderson was first to speak, "Boys and girls we've got news that in the next championship match, there will be a talent scout for both the football and cheer squads." Everyone started talking with excitement. "Therefore coach Harris and I have come up with a plan for you guys to get noticed. Boys, you will be partnered up with one of the cheer girls, they will be your training partner for the rest of the season."

While the rest of the team cheered in delight, I wasn't so thrilled because there was a slight possibility that I could get paired with Rachel and if I wasn't, then some other girl would be trying their best for my attention and not the scouts'.

We went and got changed into our kits then gathered back outside. Honestly, I would rather have stayed in class.

"Coach Harris." I heard Aimee shout, "Can we choose our partners?" She asked while smiling at me. She didn't seem like a bad idea compared to the alternative.

"Why the long face Brad?" TJ whispered. I looked in the direction of the cheerleaders, "Ahh you think you might end up with Rachel." I nodded "No worries man, there are plenty of girls on the team to help take your mind off her." I hoped he was right.

The coaches gathered both teams together and spoke. "Pairs are as follows, Liam you're with Lucy. Junior and Aimee. Zack and Britney..." After going through almost everyone, he called my name, "Brad and Rachel."

Everyone ran to their partners but I went straight to coach. "Do I have to go with Rachel?"

"Yes, it's only fitting that the two captains go together." He replied, not even looking in my direction.

"But I'm not captain, Zack is!" I moaned, pointing to Zack.

"Brad you know it would be you if the rules hadn't changed. If you have a problem then you can miss out on this opportunity."

I grabbed my hair in frustration. "But she's-"

He finally turned to me, "No more, you're with Rachel and that's final. Do you understand?"

"Yes coach." I answered, dropping my head towards the ground.

I sulked off to my new training partner who was standing in the middle of the field alone. She turned to face me as I got closer and showed a nervous smile, even that was beautiful. This really wasn't going to be in my favour.

"Brad, I think we should talk."

"We talked weeks ago, there's nothing else to say."

She didn't look happy with my reply but she didn't argue with it either, "Ok well, lets train. We can go for a jog the maybe you could-"

"Look, Rachel. I don't see how we can help each other here so you do your thing and I'll do mine." I couldn't work with her, I just wasn't ready.

I was about to go off when I heard coach Harris call my name. "Jones, is there a problem here?"

 I stopped and turned to face her "No." I lied.

"Well get to work, with your partner."

Coach gave us all a plan to work off and eventually we got on with it. Rachel barely spoke a word to me after that and I did feel quite bad but in my opinion, it was best to have it that way, I mean, how was I supposed to get over her if we spent so much time together? After training, I decided that Zack and I should talk so as soon as the day was over, I caught up with him.

"Zack, we need to talk." He stopped.

"Sure, what about?"

"You know what, don't play dumb."

"Ok ok, I have to get home, want to walk with me?"

"I came in my car, I'll drive you." He nodded and followed me to my Range Rover and got into the passenger side.

"Where's the Porsche Rich boy?" He asked

"Didn't feel like it, you know it's my dads anyway." I shrugged. "Anyway Zack, you er, left the club with Rachel that night, why?"

"Uh, look. The girl practically confessed her love for me and she was shaken up by what happened. I just gave her a shoulder to cry on."

"Seriously? Because Zack I know you and that doesn't seem like the full story."

"Brad, trust me. I know the bro code, she's your ex, I wouldn't go there."

I guess I could give him the benefit of the doubt, "Yeah ok, cool." We arrived at his house and his mom opened the door. "Oh hey Gill, how's it going?"

She smiled warmly, standing on the porch. "Hey Brad, you coming in?"

"No thanks, maybe some other time. Mom wants to catch up with you soon anyway."

"Ok tell her I said hi."

"Will do." I nodded to Zack and drove off home with a huge cloud of doubt over my head. Normally I could trust him but this time I wasn't so sure. Zacks track record with girls was ten times as bad as mine was.


A/N: Well, there's a spanner in the works now! Let me know what you think please

Paula :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2014 ⏰

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