Chapter Nine - The Break Up

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Chapter Nine

On sunday I just stayed in my room all day feeling sorry for myself, I even managed to get my mom to bring all of my meals up for me. I know it's pathetic but I was really hurting. To think everything I thought we had was a lie! No wonder she refused to really let me in.

As much as I knew that she used me, I also knew that we had a real connection. I can't deny how amazing it felt to kiss her and it wasn't just that, even to just spend time with her, I'm sure if I would've asked she would agree, and I didn't exactly force her to sleep with me. Although it wasn't the best move for a first date, the chemistry between us on that night was undeniable. Unfortunately, it didn't stop me from questioning it. What did she tell me that was true? She was getting under my skin and I had basically spent the whole day thinking about her and how she made me feel. It was going to be really hard for me to break up with her but it was the right decision for me and for her, I needed that wake up call.


The next day I was back in school and pretty much everyone knew what happened at the party. Girls where coming to me all the time to console me and some pretty much begged for me to use them as a rebound but I wasn't up for it at all, I mean talk about being opportunistic! I wanted Rachel and only Rachel to be genuinely interested in me.

"Brad, that is horrible what Rachel did, I even heard that Zack followed her into the girls restroom after you left. I would never use you if I were your girlfriend." A girl in my homeroom said, I didn't even know what her name was. She just sat there, twirling her hair around her finger, I think it was an attempt to look sexy, it completely backfired because I had never found that attractive anyway. Rachel could do that without even trying though. Jeez, I needed to stop thinking about this girl! She doesn't like me and I need to stop comparing other girls to her; God she has ruined any other girls chances with me, I could tell I would still be pining over her for a while.

"Yeah thanks." I said with a half hearted smile. I really wasn't in the mood and I couldn't deal with anyone's pity but I knew there was no need to be rude.

"I think maybe you should find someone worthy of your love." She was getting too close and to say I was uncomfortable would have been an understatement.

"Ok um I appreciate your 'support' and all but you're in my personal space. Could you please move back." She backed away looking a little more than upset and I took that as my opportunity to leave without another glance in her direction. Since it was the majority of the team's free period and coach wanted to make the most of our free time, I went to football practice and hoped I could let off some steam there.

We got into a game, splitting the everyone in two. I really wasn't focused. TJ threw the ball to me, I grabbed it and ran.

"I'm open pass!" Zack shouted.

It would've been wise to pass to him since the defence was gaining on me but I didn't. My mind wandered to the party and how he happily left with her instead of finding his best friend so I kept on running. I was so close to the touchline.

"Brad, they're onto you. PASS!" Zack screamed.

That jerk thinks that he can just steal my girl and act all innocent afterwards. I ignored him and kept running until the guys on the opposite team roughly tackled me down and went on to score the winning touchdown. I got up and threw my helmet on the grass in frustration, completely drained but most of all angry. Training didn't help me let off steam at all.

"Boys, training is over, get to your lessons. Brad, stay here we need to talk." All of the guys walked off to the locker rooms leaving coach and I standing in the field alone. "What was that about huh Brad? This is a team game and if you continue to play like that, you will cost us the championship."

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