Chapter Five - It's a Date

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Chapter Five

Waking up the next day was tough, I was more tired than I thought I would be considering I had even slept early. I got up, brushed my teeth, fixed my hair up and chose my clothes for the day. I chose a pair of jeans, a plain white t-shirt and since I had football practice that day, I wore the teams red varsity jacket.

I headed downstairs for breakfast alone as usual, mom and dad had already left for work so I just made myself a few slices of toast, grilled some bacon and eggs and had a protein shake, a small breakfast but I didn't feel like much at the time. After eating, I grabbed my car keys and drove off to school. When I had arrived, my good friend TJ came over. He had been on holiday for a few weeks and had just come back.

"Brad long time no see!" I gave him a hug.

"Yeah! Dude, how was the Bahamas?"

"Man it was awesome, you should go some day the beaches are great and the girls there, just wow. How have you been? Did I miss anything?" Wow, sounds like someone had fun!

"No not really. But I do have a girlfriend so those girls won't interest me."

He looked puzzled, "Really? Who?"

"Rachel from the cheer squad."

His eyes widened in surprise, "As in Rachel Cole, the girl who has rejected practically every guy who asked her out for the past couple of years or so?"

"Yeah, but if it makes you feel better, she rejected me at first before changing her mind."

"You are so lucky bro!"

"I know, she's amazing."

He shook his head while laughing and we headed inside.

"So has she tamed the player in you?"

"I don't know man, I'll let you know when I figure it out." He chuckled to himself as I jokingly punched his arm.

I had to go to homeroom to find Zack and TJ was in a different class so we separated. Homeroom was crazy on most days, everyone throwing paper at eachother and shouting. Not exactly my kind of environment so I was in there, I grabbed Zack and left.

"Dude, where are we going?"

"To talk to Rachel, I need my wingman so come on." I pulled him down the corridor, he looked at me unsure of what to do. "Oh come on you said you'd help me, we'll be back before the teacher is little boy." I teased, ruffling his hair as we walked up to her locker where she was standing.

"Hey Rach." I called out.

"Er hi, er hello." She smiled as she looked from Zack to me.

"So we haven't actually been on a date yet and I have a little something planned. You know, we can just hang out and stuff." She wasn't exactly paying attention, her gaze was on something else, I followed it and came to Zack? Well sometimes you just daydream and end up staring at someone so I guessed that was her moment. "So, will you come?"

She snapped out of it, "Yeah, yes sure." she nodded vigourously.

"Ok, pick you up at 7 tonight." I replied. She nodded us away. Phew, that was out of the way. She may have been my girlfriend but I still had the feeling that I had to some work to do to make her like me.

After a boring day of lessons and lunch catching up with the boys, Zack and I left to the locker rooms to get ready for football practice. Coach had us working really hard recently so he must have something planned for us. I was looking forward to training with TJ again, practice was always fun with him around even when coach makes us do 20 laps of the field.

As soon as we were on the field, coach rallied us up, "Right boys, Tyler is back so the team is complete again. Unfortunately that means Sean, you're back with the subs and can go back to normal practice. You are dismissed from this session."

"Thanks coach." Sean replied with obvious disappointment. He had kind of warmed to us.

"Now it's time to get back to business. Split into two teams and get into a quick game."

We split off, me being on the opposite team to TJ but still with Zack so we could work together. TJ definitely hadn't lost it while he was away, he was one of our best players and it was evident the way he was playing today but with Zack and I together, there was no problem beating them, we won 32-15!

"Hard luck Junior, you picked the wrong team." Zack boasted afterwards.

"Never, just wanted to give you that satisfaction." He replied.

Coach gathered us back together, "Good work guys, some solid gamplay there. And Tyler Junior, welcome back, you were in your A game there, bring that back for the championships." he patted TJ on the back and dismissed us.

I was changed in record time and was ready to leave.

"What's the hurry Brad?" TJ questioned.

"I have a date. Oh and Zack, TJ you're coming to a party tomorrow night. I'll text you the details. See ya."

"Yeah, you let us know how it goes Romeo." Zack teased, winking at me. I laughed and headed home to get ready for what I hoped would be a great night.


A/N: Ok so next chapter is the date, hope it goes well? Let me know your thoughts.

Picture of TJ on the side ----->

Paula :)

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