A lazy day (1)

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So bigherovanoss wanted me to do this chapter so here it is:

Mini Ladd: "come on Craig." I said pulling him away from his computer and into our living room. "Let's have a lazy day!" I said picking up (favorite movie) off the table and slipping it in the DVD player. "I'll make the popcorn." Craig said going in the kitchen and coming back with 2 huge bowls of popcorn. "Now cuddle time." I said and we both laid on the couch together with my head on his chest and the popcorn bowls in my lap.

Vanoss: on mine and Evan's lazy days we always go to the ice skating rink and today's no different. "I don't see how after us coming here, once a week for 10 weeks, you still can't glide on the ice." Evan told me and I rolled my eyes "I'm just not graceful." I said walking over to the ice. "Here I'll hold your hands." Evan said getting behind me and slowly we slide out on the ice. "Your doing good!" He said and I smiled laughing. "This is cool." I said and failed to notice that Evan had let go. "I'm doing it!" I yelled and slid over to Evan kissing him lightly. "Thank you."

Lui calibre: "let's make a fort!" I said on mine and lui's lazy day we usually just made a fort and talked or play games for fun. "Your such a kid!" Lui said in his squeaker voice "Says the guy who sounds like a kid!" I said sticking out my tongue and got 5 covers and like 10 pillows. "Help." I said as I walked in the pillows covering my face. "Fine!" Lui said laughing at me. He grabbed the pillows and put the on the ground. 20 minutes later we had made the fort and we ended up playing Mario kart all day.

Daithi de nogla:"ice cream!" I said as me and David walked through the park. "Yes I know you want ice cream we get it every time we come here." David said laughing and I rolled my eyes "you might've forgot." I said and we walking over to the stand "you want your regular (favorite ice cream) and chocolate ice cream?" The woman at the window asked and me and David nodded "you know it's bad when they know what we want." David said and I giggled "we keep them in business." I said and we both laughed.

I am wildcat: I woke up to my boyfriend yelling as usual. "Puncake!" He yelled and I knew he was making pancakes. Today was mine and his only lazy day so we always made puncakes and watched (favorite tv show). "Do I smell puncakes?" I asked walking to our kitchen "yes you do my princes." He said setting me on the counter "wanna go turn on (favorite tv show), the puncakes are almost ready." Tyler said and I nodded hopping down and kissing his check before I skipped in the living room and turned on the tv. "Here you go." He said and handed me a plate and we watch tv together all day.
So tell me if you guys like it!

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