Morning sickness

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Morning sickness

Mini Ladd: "this is actually good." I said takin a bite of Craig's eggs and bacon. "Well thanks I really tried." Craig said kissing my forehead. Before I could take anther bite, I felt my stomach churn. I ran to the bathroom and barley was able to get there before I throw up on everything. "Craig." I said and he walked in. "I'll clean it up you just go." Craig said looking down at the sight and I smiled at him and walked out.

Moo snuckel: "Brock." I said waking up and feeling my stomach start to churn. "What's wrong?" Brock asked and I lunch out of the bed and ran to the bathroom. Brock was not far behind because he had to hold my hair. "Thanks honey." I said after I threw up last nights dinner. "I love you never forget it." I said and Brock smiled kissing my cheek. "Love you too."

Vanoss: "honey?" I said/asked as I walked into his recording room. It was 7 in the morning and he was already recording with the boys. "Hey (name)!" David said through Skype be i could say anything else. "Hey." I said waving. "I'm just going to take a shower." I said and kissed Evans cheek before I walked into the bathroom. I turned on the water and turned around quickly and throw up in the toilet.

Lui calibre: "gummy bears." I mumbled when I woke up, grabbing the bag of said food from the bedside table. "Oh that one is fighting on its way done." I mumbled and got up and throw up in the toilet. "(Name) why are my gummy bears on the bed?" " reason..."

Daithi de nogla: "hey David." I said rolling over in the bed and on top of him. "Yes?" David asked laughing as he set his phone down. "You should fix bacon." I said and David nodded kissing my forehead. "When you have this baby I better get meals everyday." David said and I laughed. He got up and started making the bacon. When I smelled the bacon my stomach churned and I ran to the bathroom and throw up. "Stop the bacon let the pigs live!" I yelled and David busted out laughing.

I am wildcat: "chicken!" I yelled running over Tyler to get to the chicken nuggets sitting on the counter. "Slow down sunshine." Tyler said and I stuffed on in my mouth. "Oh my-" I started the run to the bathroom but failed and throw up all over the floor. "Love you." I said smirking in Tyler's direction. "Oh yea." 

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