Going to the beach for the 1st time together(2)

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So SevenDayz requested this so here you go:

Vanoss: me and Evan walked to the beach and laid our towel down. I sighed when I took off my cover up nervous about what Evan would say, since he had never seen me in a 2 piece or anything like that. "Wanna go swimming." I said nervously and he nodded "why are you so nervous?" He asked while we walked to the shore. "I'm afraid you don't like what I look like." I said and Evan sighs "(name) wether you wear a 2 piece or a bag dress I think your beautiful." He said and I smiled "thanks Evan." I said and we both swum all day together.

Lui calibre:"I herd there were Dolphins here." Lui said as we walked hand and hand to the beach. "Really we have to find one." I said and taking off my cover up and laying it on our towel. My hands shot up to hug myself when Lui started staring at me "your beautiful don't cover your self." He said and I blushed and put my hands down. Lui grabbed my hand and we walked to the shore together. About thirty minutes of searching we finally found a dolphin. "Look at it." I said petting its head. "You want me to take a picture of you with it?" Lui asked and I nodded setting down beside the dolphin. When I set down two Dolphins jumped up and looked like they were kissing my checks. Lui snapped the picture and laughed "they love you." He said and I petted them both. (The picture is the picture above)

Daithi de nogla: "volleyball?" I said confused as David led me over to a volleyball net. Today was our first day to the beach as a couple and I was nervous. I slipped off my cover up and blushed I was wearing a bikini top and some shorts. "Look at you." I said when David pulled a volleyball out of our beach bag. "I come prepared." He said puffing his chest out and I laughed "nice outfit." David said looking at me and I blushed "let's just play!" I said and he served the ball. "We should come to the beach more often!" I said when David decided to take his shirt off. "Oh shut it!" He said back and we laughed

I am wildcat: "I love how we went to the beach just to play games on the board walk." I said as me and Tyler walked hand in hand through the boardwalk. "Look at that." I said pointing at the huge unicorn stuffed animal. "Want me to win it for you?" he asked and I nodded "I would love if you did." Than I turned around and saw a stuffed Doritos bag. "Ill be back." I said and Tyler nodded waiting in line. "Hello ma'am." The man at the booth for the Doritos said. "How do I win that?" I asked pointing at the Doritos "gotta knock down 10 bottles with 8 balls." He said and I nodded "8 balls is $2." He said and I nodded handing him the amount. In the end, I somehow managed to hit the 10 bottles. "Yes!" I said when he handed it over. "(Name)." Tyler said walking up behind me and I turned around to see he had my stuffed unicorn. "Here." I said handing him the stuffed Doritos bag. "Oh (name) thank you." He said and I smiled when he handed me my unicorn.

Mini Ladd: "I can't surf you idiot!" I said frustrated as Craig tried to show me how to surf. "Calm done and just balance." He said and I sighed standing up and balancing on the board. "Now I'm just gonna push you out on the little wave." He said and I got nervous "will you come save me if I fall?" I asked and he nodded getting on his board. "I'll help you." he said holding out his hand. I grabbed it and we both slowly made it out to the wave. "You've got this (name)." Craig said letting go of my hand. I balanced my self and somehow made it over the wave. "Yes!" I said sitting on my board as Craig come over to me. "See you calmed down and did it." He said and I smacked his arm lightly.

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