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"Your eyebrows look good. Well done, round of applause". I looked up from my book, across from me sat Chantelle. Just her. No, Tatiana or Joy beside her. Just her. I frowned slightly but still nodded my head and mumbled a thank you. Is it everyday bother Cleo?

After ignoring her heavy stares. I sighed heavily and closed my book. Dragging my eyes onto her, I could see a small smirk on her lips as she stared at me. She looked rather pretty today I must say. Her freshly long hair, with dipped blue ends fell just below her breast. Her contour looked good on her face, even though it wasn't necessary for make up in this heat. She still looked good. The sun was making her glow and she knew it. Everyone knew it.

"Was there a reason why your here?" I finally asked.

"Nope," she replied popping the 'p'. "I really just wanted answers to be honest".

"Answers? For what?".

"Can you answer them honestly Cleo?".

"Cleopatra," I corrected her. "But go on".

She rolled her eyes.

"First question. What's your deal with Cameron and Isaac?".

My eyebrows furrowed together. While a frown plastered onto my face. I laughed lightly, shaking my head too. I couldn't believe this? She left her friends to come question me about Isaac and Cameron? Ridiculous.

"Excuse you? Elaborate your question Chantelle".

"What's your deal with Isaac and Cameron?".

"My deal with them? Your ridiculous". I told her shaking my head. I watched her watch me. This bitch was crazy.

She kissed her teeth. "Cut this bullshit act Cleo! All of a sudden, you've managed to gain attention from Isaac and Cameron's walking around college letting everyone know they can't touch you".

Was he? Why am I just hearing about this?

"I don't know what you want from me to be honest. How can you ask me that? Your better off asking them or your so called man, David".

"I've tried. He told me to mind my own fucking business". I noticed that she ignored that I said 'so called man'.

"Then maybe you should," I smiled at her, "mind your own business".

"I just don't understand!" She exclaimed loudly, just loud enough for me to hear, "your not nice, I lied if you tried you could be nice. Your not too bad. You have potential. I just don't understand! Isaac and Cameron? Your sex or head game must be A1".

"Chantelle not everything is about sex. Not everyone is like you".

"Who wouldn't want to be like me? I'm perfect".

"Your pretty but your far from perfect. Your a broken child if I'm honest. You don't know what you want from life".

I stood up, throwing my back strap over my shoulder. Her eyes still lingered onto me, as I packed up to leave.

"You don't know shit!".

I laughed. "You have a lot to learn about life Chantelle. Learn about it before it learns about you". I told her then disappeared out of the library and made my way to my next lesson, with Isaac. Media Studies.

December 6th 2010.

I was still at Courtney's. I wanted to leave but outside was way too cold for me to leave his. I missed my bed. Instead, I was cuddled up in his bed bedside him. I've messaged Janie informing her on my whereabouts and for her to cover for me. I was only fourteen. I wasn't grown yet. Not just yet. Wait on it. The text I had received yesterday, still played around on my mind. What did they mean? Matter of a fact, who was it? I sighed and turned over onto my side, to face Courtney who was typing on his blackberry torch with a smile on his lips.

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