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What Isaac had said to me two days ago still mingled on my mind. I wanted answers. I needed answers and that he wasn't making very clear. Who was they? And why was they coming for me. I had nothing left. Nothing at all. The biggest question of all is, why does Isaac out of all the people in Bristol, seem to know all this. I wanted to push all this to the back of my head and get on with life, like every normal eighteen year old are but no, instead I am stressing for my safety. Since they were coming for me. I needed to make sure that I was safe and my family. All this was making sense to me but I knew one thing for sure, I was not about to ignore what Isaac has been saying or my random flashbacks lately. All this has to be happening for a reason.

I sighed, a miserable one. I wanted to make that I was safe. To me, the only safe place is the house but I needed to get out of here. I've been here all day, doing nothing at all. I need to see outside. I needed a walk. Fresh air was needed. I needed to leave this house or I swear to God, I was going to go mad. Literally.

Well thank you Isaac!

I looked down at my white watch, that was fitted around my tiny wrist. No wonder why I'm tired; 23:45pm. It was late but going for a walk was on my mind.

"Wagwan Cleo?" Just by his voice, I knew he had been drinking or smoking the herbs.

"Where are you?" I wasted no time demanding for his whereabouts. Since he was the reason why haven't been out in two days, he should be here to keep my company. I know more time I don't want him around but right about now, I didn't care. I was dying for company even if it means, it's Isaacs company.

"Around, why? Wagwan?".

"I'm bored. And you got me on lockdown".

His deep chuckle echoed through the phone, sending unwanted sparkles down my spine. "Come, link man".

"You told me not leave the house Isaac, now your telling me to come see you. Make up your mind". I said with a irritated voice.

"Chill man, chill. I'm coming to get you yeah?".

A goofy grin dances upon my lips. "Yes! Fin-fucking-ly. Praise the Lord. Hallelujah".

"Just make sure I ain't waiting for you when I get to you".

"See you in a bit".

"See you in ten". Our call disconnected, leaving me sat there with the fattest cheesiest grin on my face. The thought of leaving my house was happy. I've never been so happy before. The Lord is good.


"Are you cold?" I looked over at Isaac, who was puffing out smoke from his nose. I'm sure this was his third one since we've parked up here. I watched him for a second then nodded my head, while my teeth clattered together. He nodded, "Good. Next don't leave your jacket at home b".

I kissed my teeth and hugged myself tighter. "Prick". I mumbled, cutting my eyes at him then looked ahead in front of me. Taking in the view.

I heard shuffling for a while, until I felt warmth upon my shoulders and arms. I looked down. I smiled, noticing his black north face jacket was now around me. I looked at him back at him, from the corner of my eyes.

"Are you not cold?".

"Nah". He replied, "If I was do you think I would of handed over my jacket to you like it's nothing?".

His smart mouth will get him in trouble soon.

"Ok Isaac".

He chuckled to his self. "Silly girl".


"Your my guy though".

I rolled my eyes. "Your a prick".

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