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"Isaac!" I screeched, "can you slow the hell down!". I demanded, I hated car drives with Isaac but there was no way on earth was I taking a bus on this busy Saturday morning. Choosing to ignore me, he carried on driving like a maniac and every know and then rap the lyrics to Chip, Light Work, bopping his head with a smile on his face. I cursed him under my breath, for making me know what he was listening too.

"Chip is that guy," he commented, using his free hand to turn up the volume. I rolled my eyes, sighing heavily as I sunk into my seat, hoping for this journey to finish.

Ever, since I've received that threat message from K, you'll hardly catch me without Isaac. It's not that he didn't want to leave my side, I didn't want him to leave me. That message frightened me up. I haven't told aunty Yvette yet, I didn't want her worrying, this was my problem.

Right now, we was en route to Cribbs Causeway. Isaac, had this all white party to attend to later and he still haven't found a outfit to wear, so I offered to follow him to buy one, I refused to go Cabot Circus, I know it would be packed with nosey faces and I really didn't have time for people to assume things was going on between between us just like how Cameron had. I would understand why people would think such thing, we do spend rather a lot of time together. But it's not everyday assume.

Section Boyz, Lock Arff; was next to blare through the car speakers. I rolled my eyes, all this guy done is play grime music, never nothing else. I won't be surprised if, I started knowing the words to some of these tracks.

"Not everyday". I mumbled, diverting my attention to outside of the window.

"Shut up".

"Did I say anything?". I asked, looking back at him.

He didn't say anything, instead he shook his head but carried on looking on the road.

"You coming out with me tonight?". He asked, slowly slowing down as he came to a red light.

I screwed up my face in disgust.

"Oh, no".

"Why not?".

"I'd rather stay home alone in my bed than come out with you and watch you have dry sex on the floor with girls who don't respect themselves enough. No, thank you Isaac".

Chuckling, he started driving again as the lights turned to green.

"That's all mad. I'll stick by your side".

"No thank you".

"Come on, Cleo your eighteen. Come out and enjoy yourself nuh".




"Boring gyal".

"Nah nah, did you see the way he was preeing you?". I rolled my eyes for the hundredth time at Isaac within the space of four hours of being with him.

"He was not".

We were now seated in McDonald's with our food in front of us, eating. Well I was eating, Isaac was going on about a boy that might of stared at me for more than two seconds but less than five and as I expected, he wasn't dropping this for now.

EnervatedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon