Twisted Ariel

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** My story I made it up!! Don't say it's  your story I made it up well i kind of took it so I'm sorry for calling it mine i took a bit from another book... :D** 

 "I'll show them!" Ariel said. She swam away from her laughing sisters and into her secret place.

She look around for a sharp piece of metal, almost every human had. "I will have legs. I will walk like that humans! I'll show them!" She said angry.  The voices of her sisters, and father echoed in her head, "You cannot go on the surface," "You really think you can walk with the humans? haha," "You cannot just grow a pair of legs and walk on the surface, you're thinking crazy!"

With no hesitation She stabbed her fin. There was lots of pain but she kept her screams in. She bit her lip and did it again. She was half way through but a white stick was in the way. "Come on! It can't be that important! I can break this white stick!" She cracked it, causing more pain. She didn't know that white stick is her spine. She screamed a little bit but covered her mouth. She hit the spine multiple times, she finally made it crack.

 She was done but she couldn't move anymore.. She was useless. She couldn't move her tail, she couldn't move at all. There was pain and blood around her as she cried.

She inhaled her blood, she didn't really have a chance, she couldn't move. Her sobs stayed quiet, how will she tell her father? They'll all laugh and say more things about Ariel. But she stop thinking, because how will they know if she's stuck there. She knew that she'll die. Blood lost, she couldn't eat.. But strangely her blood.. Tasted and smelled great..

One day she heard a little girl. She tried to pull herself up to see her but she didn't go far. So she decided to sing to lure her in. She sung a beautiful song. She sung it louder and louder.

"Who's there?" A sweet soft voice asked. She was little and had a perfect body. Hair, eyes, voice everything! Ariel envy her. The girl swam closer and closer to Ariel. Ariel learn a special spell to switch body. She was down here for a while and read books. So she switched bodies with the little girl. "I'll make the pain go away. You don't have to suffer like me, I, well you, taste amazing." Ariel ate first her arms. The little girl screamed in pain. Once that the girl was just left with the bones and skull, Ariel swam away. She took the girl's soul, and Ariel continued her dream. Of Legs.. And new dream of cannibalism.

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