Twisted Mulan

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Mulan was pushed to the floor. "Finish her off! She is a women!" The man said. The other soldiers hung their heads. She was their best friend, not to mention she was pretty better at almost everything. As shang almost swung his sword mushu jumped in front and burned his sword. "No one hurts Mulan!" Mushu yelled. "Mushu?" Mulan looked at him. "Mulan?!" The soliders started to mumbled.

Shang grabbed another sword and stabbed mushu and mulan together. Mushu died immediately and mulan was still alive. "You'll be sorry! All of you!!" Mulan yelled. "I'll let you live. For because you saved me. Yet you still would be killed." Shang said and walked off.

After a few minutes everyone had left and mulan was cold. Her horse and cricket was silent. Mulan banaged herself with the left over she had with her. Mushu on the other hand is done for. Mulan cried knowing she would die. But mushu still planned on living.

He appeared and touched mulan's forehead. Mulan blanked out and soon she held her head. She had fangs her hair turn slightly red and she had a tail. She look fearsome. Her horse and cricket was scared of her transformation.

"I feel great! I feel strong!" Mulan smiled. Soon the huns appeared and looked at her evilly. "I will kill you! You ruin my plan!" The hun leader growled. "Let me help you. We want the same thing here. You want to over run china. And i want to kill the army. I could be useful." Mulan smirked evilly. "How can you be any useful?" The hun looked at her suspiciously.

Mulan breathe a little fire. "I could burn china to ashes. Keep everyone out of the way while i have my revenge." Mulan smirked. "Done deal." The hun smirked and they travel to china.

Mulan was in front of the dragon and the huns followed her. Once they headed towards the empire the gave her the que and she breathe fire towards the empire.
She almost got him but the huns alreadly attacked.

"Mulan come with me!" The hun leader yelled so she did. She locked the door and held the knife near the empires neck. "Why is a lady from china helping the Huns?" He asked. "Simple, because im tired of girl having no right to become a soldier! I took my father's place so he wouldn't die! But then with all that i am still a dishonor!! I would've died knowing my father is worry sick and im a disgrace! They killed Mushu!" Mulan yelled. "I see but child. You have no need to betray your own people." The empire calmly said. "Yes i do! To prove im worthy! To prove myself right, i will take your head as my trophy!" Mulan cut deeper into the skin. "Mulan! Stop this!" Shang screamed. She turned to him. "Don't come closer!" She screamed.

"Why are you doing this?!" Shang yelled. "Simply because of you! Hear my word people oh China! Shang is the blame!" She screeched. "I knew girls would ruin everything!" Shang growled. Mulan widen her eyes then burned with fire. She tighten her grip on the captives head and knife, and she sliced it off. She threw the head at Shang. "Here, this is your trophy, following this!" She snapped her fingers and the door behind Shang closes. Shang panicked but stood his guard. Mulan smirked as she breathed fire at Shang making burns on his body and cutting him with her knife. 

"Mulan stop!" The other soldiers yelled. "Stupid soldiers, you think I'm a disgrace too!" She burned everyone she saw, not including the Huns. As she did, the leader laughed out loud as he praised Mulan for her work. She lost control, and burned everyone else. They deserved it she thought. She became leader of China, but not the ones they wanted. She was a legend but the legend of the dragon lady who killed half of China.

** please do not take offensively, I'm just making it up, it not real feelings I have. Thank you ^^

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