Twisted Ariel #2

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(I have another story for Ariel.)

Ariel and flounder was rushing to the ship. As for the bird. He was delaied a couple of minutes. Ariel finnaly arrive on board. The sea creatures wasn't there just yet. Ariel rushed towards Vennissa and Eric. Ariel was too late. Eric kissed Vennessa and the sun set. Vennessa laughed evily and glared at Ariel.

"You really think I let you win that bet?! I have been following you, fool." Vennessa looked at Eric. "Oh honey bunch, you don't look so well! Heheheh, And neither do you Ariel." She laughed. Ariel fell and cried. She is a mermaid again. Eric has been mutated and his appearance started to changed. His hair turn white and he grew tentacles. He scream in pain. Vennessa laughed and threw her shell towards the end of the boat.

Lucky the sea creatures came and cracked the shell and Ariel got her voice back. "Eric!" She yelled. Eric was no longer human. He was under Vennessa's spell. "Oh lover girl, he's gone! He is my king now. We shall take over sea!" She screamed as she turn to the hideous monster she was.

"No! Eric!" She yelled. Ursula grabbed Ariel and Eric followed. She dived in the water and ariel just looked at Eric. His handsome face had barnacles growing near his mouth and eyes. His teeth was razor sharp. His eyes was white and blank. He was gone alright. It was too late. Eric didn't look like the Eric she knew no more.

Ursula threw Ariel on the ground. "Okay you knew the deal!" She laughed as Ariel soon felt weak and she shrink. "Ursula! Let her go!" King Trition yelled. "Fa-ther.." Ariel tried to speak. He tried to break the contract but was unable to.

"How about we make a trade?" Ursula smiled. Eric looked like he was going to tear Trition into pieces. Trition closed his eyes and wrote his name. Ariel was back to normal. How ever as Trition was shirinking Eric indeed killed him and blood colored the water.

"Daddy!!" Ariel cried. "Well if you haven't tried to go up on land it would've ended better now would it?" Ursula mocked Ariel. Eric put on a choker on Ariel or like a necklace, but with a red light blinking. "You work for me. Queen of the sea!!" Ursula grabbed the staff and smiled. Ariel grabbed a near by object and stabbed it against Ursula's heart.

Ursula then growled and yelled in pain. "Kill her!! She's no use!" Ursula commanded. Eric did as he was told. Ariel died alone and killed by the one she loved. Even she wasn't next to her father but next to Eric's whistle he threw.

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