Twisted Cinderella

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After the step sisters ripped her dress apart and left her home, while they went to the ball. Cinderella cried onto a porch outside.

"Hello child." A fairy smiled sweetly from above. "Hello?" Cinderella looked up. "I'm your fairy godmother." She smiled. "Fairy God mother?!" Cinderella asked. "Yes dear, now im here to grant you one wish." She looked curious of what she is going to wish for.

-time skip-

"Oohh!! Ohh!! Mr. Prince dance with me!" One step sister yelled. "N-No me!!" The other step sister shove her sister over. Soon a loud bang on the door.

The door swung open and a cool breeze rolled over the floor. It was a girl, wearing a ripped up blue dress with blood dripping on the botton. Her hair barely in a bun and messy. Her make up was smeared. And she was bare feet and she held on to a glass slipper. Mice ran across her feet. The prince looked at her, she was oddly charming.

"May i help you?" A person asked. "Move out my way!" She muttered evily. She made her way to her step sisters and looked at them. The girl who was obviously Cinderella ripped her step sisters dress apart. "How would you like it?!!" Cinderella screamed. Then dead silence and the two step sister ran off crying.

Cinderella walked up to her step mother and smirked. "Cinderella, you was not supposed to go to the ball! You have extra chores to do!" She scolded. "Oh do I mother? Do i? My only job now is to bring you to hell with me!!" Cinderella screamed and smacked her with her glass slippers and shards flew everywhere.

The mother scream in pain and Cinderella grab a shard and stabbed her step mother. When she died the clock stroke 12. "W-who are you?" The prince asked. "I'm just a simple girl, a simple girl who was forced to be a slave. Now im free." She smiled and danced by herself into the middle of the room. Soon the magic faded and she fell.

Her wish was revenge. But the fairy insisted not, but Cinderella had a thirst for revenge. She didn't wish that she would go to the ball. Because if she did, she knew if she and the prince fall in love, she would be heartbroken when she goes back and be a slave. She wanted to end her torture and kill her step mother and leave her step sisters in shame. And that's what she did.

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