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The distortion in the video feed slowly faded away as communications came back online. Much to the dismay of everyone in central command, the monitor showed the unit in ruins. The soldiers and vehicles were scattered across the ground and the energy fence had been torn apart.

While they frantically searched for answers, a traffic camera outside the dock picked up activity. The target was carrying one of the soldiers away from the battlefield. He put him down near a building and few minutes later, an emergency communication request came through.

Central command immediately requested a sit-rep but the soldier did not reply. The scanners on his armor showed his vitals in critical condition and failing. When a voice did finally came through it was not of the soldier, it was the supernatural.

"Your man needs help. You better hurry" was all he said before the radio went silent once more. The camera feed however still had eyes on the target.

As everyone watched, the target ripped open the soldier's armour and jabbed him in the chest. His weak vital signs began to flair and loud gasps filled the room. Surprising everyone, the vital signals then began to stabilise into healthy levels.

Soon afterwards the target fled back into the sewers. Any attempt to find the target afterwards was unavailing. None of the scanners or any camera in the area picked up anything.

"Abort mission" the general's voice was calm but his clenched fists betrayed his frustration.

The coordinator relayed the orders to the med-vac team that was kept on standby. Two large transport jets accompanied by smaller escort jets landed in the middle of park, blasting away dust and smoke off the remnants of the battle.

The medical team moved swiftly, moving from one soldier and assessing their state before transferring them into the aircraft. The escort jets secured the wreckages of the vehicles. Once all the soldiers and the debris had been cleared out the jets took off.

As the general watched the devastation cleared out, his comms signalled an incoming call from the director.

'About damn time'

He left the remainder of the mission to central command and retreated to his office.

He initiated the secure communication protocols in the room. The glass wall darkened and all communication with the outside was cut off. An encrypted line to the director was connected and a holographic screen appeared above Shade's desk.

"General, am I right to hear you marked the target as hostile when I specifically told you to capture him alive?"

"The target single-handedly wiped out the entire unit I sent to capture him. I had to make the call"

"I was afraid that might have been the case. Very well, I have another target for you" a second screen popped up showing a fuzzy picture of a mutant humanoid creature. "At least capture this one alive. These are its last known locations and known information"

He sent a file to the general that popped up as a notification next to the target's picture. The coordinates showed a high altitude mountain range with bizarre climate readings and reports of a creature attacking everyone that goes near the place.

"We have strong reasons to believe our previous target 'Kyle' is looking for it. Find it before he does or you'll have two of those monsters to deal with"

The general could not hold back the questions anymore. Why would the director drop a high priority target that they had been tracking for two months and simply replace it with another similar target? If there was another target all this time why reveal it now? How many more of these targets are there?

The Guardians' Fate: Book One (On Hold)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora