First Encounter

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In the silence of the night even the slightest of sounds seem to be amplified. The splash of water against the river bed, the occasional hoot of an owl and the sound of under growth being crushed as dozens of soldiers huddled to form their ranks.

All the way in the middle of a forest Heatwave expected their target to be well defended or heavily armed but when the thermal scans from the surveillance drones picked up two humanoids alone in a cabin, he had to double check their location to make sure they were at the right place.

Central command reconfirmed the coordinates. Instead of barging in and apprehending the targets as planned he surrounded the cabin and had all the guns aim at the door.

After announcing to show themselves, the door knob twisted and every trigger finger tensed. Two humans slowly appeared from behind the door, a woman hiding behind a man. Their palms held against their foreheads shielded them against the bright spotlight of the jets.

"Something's definitely not right here. Terrain biometric scan" commanded Heatwave.

Terrain lowered her weapon and scanned the two humans via the scanners in her suit. The scan results highlighted the sapphire in Kyle's chest as the source of the energy.

"Shit! heatwave its him. He's the supernatural!" Terrain replied and quickly re-aimed her gun at the man.

Kyle eyed the group suspiciously. "Who are you? What do you want?"

Heatwave ignored his questions. "You! let the girl go and drop on your knees" he ordered while pointing at Kyle with his gun.

"Some answers first" demanded Kyle. "Who are you and what do you want?"

"I'm the one giving orders here. Get on your knees now!" barked Heatwave.

A Sense of imminent danger flooded Kyle's mind and his adrenal glands responded. What he didn't realize was that, hidden behind the sense of adrenaline, his inner beast had begun to build up energy. Kyle didn't even notice the drops of blood dripping from his nose until the soldiers became agitated by it.

"Heatwave I'm picking up a strange energy build up here" Terrain said.

"Give me a sit-rep" replied Heatwave.

"I've never seen anything like it. My scanners are going haywire" replied Terrain awe struck by the readings. "No wonder H.Q thought the target was a group"

"All units switch to stun and fire on my command" Heatwave gave the order and waited for all the guns to click in response. "Fire!"

Before Kyle could react, the beast willed the water from the river and slammed it down on the soldiers. Then it grabbed each soldier with arms of water and restrained them like flies in spider web.

The strain of the cursed beast suddenly awaking, hit him hard. His vision blur and he dropped on to his knees. In this moment of weakness the beast took over more control. It flicked the soldiers away like rag dolls and summoned the water back. Joella saw the oncoming flood and tried to step back but Kyle's arm shot out and grabbed her wrist.

The water swirled around them, enclosing them in a bubble. Once the water closed in on itself, the swirling water under the bubble shot it along with Kyle and Joella toward the heart of the forrest. The remaining water shot outwards after the implosion that followed.

The tidal wave that followed, washed away everything in its path including Kyle's wooden house, and the soldiers.

Heatwave flailed desperately, and managed to grab on to a tree branch. As he pulled himself up, he saw Kyle's bubble flying through the air. Before he could put a tracer on them, an uprooted tree crashed into him, throwing him back into the swirling mass of liquid.

The Guardians' Fate: Book One (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now