The Prisoner Part 1

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The next morning, news of the battle had made its way to the city. According to the local police and media it was a terrorist bioweapon attack neutralised by a special military group. Since then security in the city was at an all-time high with roadblocks and regular police patrols checking anyone coming in or going out of the city.

The added police made getting to Simon's safehouse on the other end of town a bit difficult but it was worth it. Before late morning, Kyle had a new identity.

"They aren't fool proof" warned Simon. "As long as you don't do anything stupid, you should be fine"

And of course he wasn't going to let Kyle leave without a little payback. He gave Kyle a key and told him the vehicle it unlocks were the wheels he was promised.

The key itself looked rather plain so Kyle expected a generic car that will help him blend in. instead when he pressed the unlock button the vehicle that responded was a dark metallic sports car, complete with custom modifications. However, what the car couldn't make up for keeping a low profile it made up for in speed. Which, since his encounter with the shadow yesterday seems to be a crucial factor. 

'More will come...... they will find the others...... Syrx cannot be stopped' those words still haunted Kyle's mind as did the vision shown to him by the Nyx.

With his knowledge in the ins and outs of the city, Kyle managed to slip past every road block and was soon on his way. Taking a deep breath to collect his thoughts, Kyle focussed on the emerald medallion floating over the dashboard like a GPS system, leading him to the first guardian.

At least the hunters seem to have got his 'leave me alone' message loud and clear, as he didn't have any encounters with any armoured soldiers or droids. He knew it was only a matter of time before they struck again but hopefully he bought enough time.

The car began to rattle as the green and urban background faded away to a rocky terrain, where large boulders and cliffs became the boundaries of the road.

As the sun began to disappear behind the horizon turning the land into hues of orange and yellow, Kyle started to feel like he was being led to the middle of nowhere. Then suddenly the medallion took him off main road and onto a dirt road.

A few kilometres in and the road ended at the base of a cliff. A crevasse split the geological rise from top to bottom and the medallion pointed straight into the narrow path. As it was barely wide enough for a person, Kyle decided to continue on foot. He parked the car away from the road and concealed it with a spell.

With the medallion in hand, Kyle squeezed into the crevasse. In the narrow space, his shoulders brushed against the rocky walls that rose hundreds of feet into the air around him, blocking out the last of the sunlight. The only source of light became the dim green glow of the emerald.

Fortunately his dragon eyes came with excellent night vision that used what little light available and showed the path forward. The claustrophobic pathway soon gave way to a cave and the medallion's glow intensified and blinked faster. As he got closer a wave of despair coming from the cave suddenly washed over him.

Kyle quickly pooled mana into his eyes and searched for anyone inside the cave. Dozens of motionless auras lit up deep behind the layers of rock.

'This is no cave' said Aelias.

'It is a prison' Kyle said and looked around a bit more. He noticed multiple armed guards along with two more humans on an upper level of the cave. He felt the all too familiar rage rising inside him but managed to keep it under control. 'Probably some human traffickers'

'Humans sell their own kind?' Aelias said with disgust.

'The better question is, what is a guardian doing in a prison run by criminals?' Kyle said and entered the cave.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2019 ⏰

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