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The cobblestone streets of Elismaire were cool under the canopies of large trees that bordered them. Only a few streaks of the evening sun pierced through the occasional gap in the green umbrella.

As Kyle explained to Joella what happened with the elders he noticed that the once empty streets had become slightly crowded. The moment Kyle stepped into the street a flood of people came towards him.

Joella instinctively grabbed Alcarin's hand and slightly leaned onto him. Alcarin looked at the human and saw a fleeting glimpse of fear in her eyes. He was amazed of how she kept a brave face regardless, like a soldier trapped behind enemy lines.

When he looked up at Kyle, he too had noticed it and gave him a look that said crowd control.

Before the crowd could swarm the three Alcarin raised his voice. "Step aside and make way for the dragon"

The crowd slowed down and settled on the side of the street. "Hail to the mighty dragon!" they cheered and waved. They seemingly didn't even care about the human as they were that preoccupied with Kyle who awkwardly waved back unsure of how to react to the sudden popularity.

Fortunately for Kyle, the crowd eventually dispersed as they approached their destination. An arc held up by two marble pillars marked the entrance to the temple. It was carved with what Kyle guessed where elven engravings. The pattern of symbols rose up from the pillar and met at the centre of the arc where it ended with two concentric circles.

Behind it, a stone stairway rose up to a similar arc. As the group came up to the first arc Alcarin stopped unexpectedly.

"The stairs will lead you to the temple" said Alcarin. "I shall escort lady Joella to her lodging"

"What?" The siblings asked together.

Alcarin looked between the two in confusion and finally turned to Kyle. He realised the problem "Forgive me, I assumed the elders told you. There is a barrier that prevents any with the curse from entering the temple beyond this point. She cannot go any further"

Skeptical, Joella held out her hand and stepped towards the arc. Soon she felt an invisible resistance pushing back on her. She felt around the barrier with her palm and tried pushing harder with no luck. "He's right, I can't get through" she said, giving up.

With no choice left Kyle sighed heavily and gave Alcarin a stern look. "Look after her and keep her out of trouble"

"You have my word" he said with a small bow.

Kyle turned to face Joella. He raised a brow and poked her in the shoulder and said. "Stay out of trouble"

Joella snorted. "Oh please, you know me"

Kyle grinned. "Exactly" They both chuckled.

"I'll see you soon" Kyle gave her a final hug and watched her disappear into the streets once more with Alcarin. He waited until she was out of sight and turned around to climb the stairs.

As he ascended a tall stone wall about twenty feet tall rose behind the upper arch, below which two figures awaited Kyle's arrival.

One was a female elf holding a beautifully crafted white staff with a clear crystal floating in the middle of the crescent shaped top end. She looked like an average women in her late twenties but Kyle guessed otherwise. She was dressed in a white long sleeve over coat attire with pouches strapped to her belt around her waist. Next to her was a wolf with ash fur and a dash of white on its left ear.

The other was a black Minotaur with ruby red eyes. The missing part of his right horn stood out like a sore thumb but he seemed to have grown accustomed to it. At nearly eight feet tall and a body riddled with battle scars he was quite intimidating. The heavy chest armour with a four feet long metal club strapped to his back only increased the effects.

The Guardians' Fate: Book One (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now