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Thrum adjusted the grip on the box he was holding as he made a mad dash through the city, dodging and weaving through the crowd with what little agility he had. He checked his time counter around his neck, a crafty little machine that allowed him to measure time, and realised he's late.

Few days earlier when he asked Axelus to help with placing a very powerful enchantment, he got to know that the great dragon will be leaving the city soon. Since then he rushed to complete his gift as much as he could, but with the limited time he hoped that the enchantment alone will have to do.

"Late again Thrum?" Asked a passing by elf. Thrum could only reply with a smile and a nod as he rushed to the great hall. He felt his age catch up to him as he strained to pull air into his lungs. By the time he finally reached the doors to the great hall, the sun shone brightly above him.

Being a four feet tall dwarf, Thrum was glad the fifteen feet tall doors opened mechanically. As he reached for the door handle, a rush of blood curdling energy emanated from behind the doors and paralysed him.

"The high council said what?!" He heard the dragon roar.

"For us Earthborn, the curse was the only hope we had for our survival. The fact that the curse can be removed means our worse fears have become a reality that we have to face" A stern voice came through the door. Thrum wasn't surprised to hear the general's voice. "She is a very serious threat. They do not want her alive and they care not that you claim her as your sister"

"She will be safe with me" Kyle said.

'What on earth is going on?' Thrum thought to himself. He wanted to step inside but decided against it. Inside the hall the voices continued.

"You may be strong enough to control your magic but she is not. If she loses control in the outside world, the hunters will find out about her and they will not rest until they hunt her down and find out how the curse was removed" This time the voice was calmer. It was the queen.

"But what other option do I have? She will be hunted in both worlds"

"Leave her here in Elismaire; within the boundaries of this city I can protect her"

"My queen?" the general seemed shocked by what he just heard. "You already disobeyed the council once by accepting the half blood. The council will not take another of your transgressions lightly. Their word is law" said the general.

"Do not forget your place, general!" The queen snapped. "As long as the elemental crown rests on my head, it is my word that is law" she sternly reminded the general and turned back to Kyle. "Kyle, it is the only way she will be safe. Even the elders have agreed that she should stay"

"I trusted her safety to you once and you failed. How do you expect me to trust you again?"

The doors suddenly opened catching everyone by surprise.

"If not her then place your trust in me" said Axelus, as she entered the hall with Accalia behind her. "Kyle your options are limited. You cannot find the others while constantly trying to keep your sister safe and it is imperative that you find them"

"How is leaving her here alone any safer?"

"She is no longer a weak and fragile human. The power of the ancients flows strong in her and it will be what protects her" said Axelus.

"Teach a human the secrets of magic?" scoffed Falkur. "Why not invite the hunters to the city while you are at it!"

"At least this way she will not fall victim to any more unfortunate accidents" Axelus said as she glared back at Falkur.

The Guardians' Fate: Book One (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now